Monday, August 20, 2012

5 Techniques Simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The lifeblood of any website/
ecommerce business is traffic, and
every webmaster knows the best
type of traffic is natural, organic
search engine traffic. There are two
very important reasons for this: (1) it
is extremely targeted, and (2) It is
FREE! The hard part is getting top
ranking for your sites keywords... or
is it? The purpose of this article is to
provide a few simple, effective, and
most important, search engine
friendly strategies to help boost your
websites' ranking and ultimately
your traffic.
1. We will start with the Meta Tags. I
know you have already heard of, and
are probably currently using meta
tags on your site. This is great. I just
want to make sure you are using
them effectively. We will only go
over 2 tags: the "title" tag, and the
"description" tag. We will not go over
the "keywords" tag, as the major
search engines have placed less and
less weight on this one, and some
would argue this tag has no weight
at all. I still use this tag however, as I
feel there is some merit and no
drawbacks to using this tag.
I have found it effective to use
similar text in the "title" and
"description" tags, and to place your
keywords prominently in these tags
(near the beginning and more than
once). I have seen sites with
"", "New Page 1", or
"Welcome to my site" in the "title"
tag, which really does not help in
their quest for higher rankings for
their particular keyword. Also, try not
to use words such as "and", "or", or
"the" in these tags.
**Important note about your
keywords. Search engines evaluate
keyword prominence, keyword
weight, and keyword density when
determining a site's ranking. All
three are calculated individually for
the page, the title tag, the description
tag, as well as other areas on a page.
Keyword prominence means how
close the keyword is to the beginning
of your page. Keyword weight refers
to how many times a particular
keyword or phrase can be found on
the page. Keyword density is the ratio
of the keyword to the other words on
the page. You do not want the
keyword weight or density to be too
high, as this can appear to the search
engine as "keyword stuffing" and
most search engines penalize sites
that stuff their keywords.
2. Place your navigational links (and
JavaScript) at the right or at the
bottom, but not on the left, of the
page. When the search engines
"read" your site, they read from the
top left to the bottom right. Search
engines place an emphasis on the
first 100 words or text on the site.
You do not want these words to be
navigational links or Javascript.
Ideally, you want to have your
"heading" tags with your keywords in
the beginning of your page. This
being said, placing your links/
JavaScript on the right or bottom of
your page ensures the search engine
spiders get to the text first, giving
more weight to what's important on
your page.
3. Place alt tags on all of your
images. Search engine spiders cannot
"read" pictures or images. The only
way a spider knows what an image is
about is by reading the alt tag. This is
also another chance to place more of
your keywords in your HTML,
improving your page's keyword
weight/density. Alt tags are easy to
make and they can make a big
difference in your sites keyword
ranking. A simple alt tag looks like
this: alt="put your keyword phrase
here." Search engines separately
calculate keyword prominence,
density, and weight in alt tags as
well, so optimize your tags.
4. Place your keywords at the bottom
of your page. Just as search engines
place more weight on the first words
of your page, they also do the same
to the last words. The general
thinking is this, if your site is about a
certain subject, then the main points,
or keywords, should, appear at the
beginning, be spread throughout the
page, and be prominent at the
conclusion. But if you have all of
your navigational links and
JavaScript at the bottom, your
relevant page text could end well
before the HTML does. An easy way
to have your keywords at the bottom
of your page is to include them in the
copyright information. For example, if
you have a dog food website, you
could have something like this at the
very bottom of the page:
copyright 2005
World's best dog food
Search engines are not (as of this
writing), penalizing sites using this
technique, and it wouldn't really
make much sense for them to do so.
5. The Anchor Text of your links.
Anchor text is the actual linking text
on a site. It is what the user clicks on
to navigate to that particular site or
page. If a search engine finds many
links to your site using the term "dog
food", then the search engine
concludes your site is about "dog
food". This is overlooked quite often,
but it seems to have a very large
impact on your search engine
rankings for a particular keyword.
Your anchor text needs to be the
keyword or phrase you are trying to
target. Try to avoid anchor text such
as "Click Here" or
Also, if you're running a reciprocal
link campaign, be sure to use
variations of your text. If an engine
notices every link to your site is
identical, it could place less weight
on these links or potentially penalize
your site. This is because search
engines generally give more weight
to "naturally occurring" links, and
less to "reciprocal link exchange
campaigns". Using different, but
relevant anchor text can
dramatically affect your targeted
keyword rankings, by making your
links appear more natural.
Effective SEO may seem difficult at
first, but as you have read above,
little tricks that require little or no
programming knowledge, can make a
huge impact on your website's
keyword ranking.

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