Wednesday, August 01, 2012

How to protect your personal information on cell phones? Part 1

It is hard to find a family where at least one member does not have a cell phone. In fact many have chosen to eliminate the landlines and go will cell phones only. Smart phones seem to put the entire phone right in your hands. They are small and packed with your personalinformation.
Password protect
There will be a time when you either lose your phone or it get into hands of another person who should not have access. A two year old can push buttons and get into areas if the phone is left unattended. It takes an extra bit of time to use a password, but it can be your saving grace. Look in your tools and settings and add a password today.
Don’t go app crazy
There are many great apps out there. Financial apps are quick and helpful, but consider the information that you are leaving on your phone. If you choose to use apps that have this kind of information, keep them in a secure folder. This way if someone does get your phone it will take some time for them to access information. Hopefully, you can get everything shut down before the criminal gets in.
Track the phone
Even if your phone does not come with tracking there are many free software options that are offered and can be downloaded to phones. This software will alert you if someone has accessed your private information or changes or copies information on a sim card.
If your phone is stolen this software can help to locate and lock down the phone. A program with remote swiping should be part of your tracking package. This will allow you to erase sensitive information from your phone. You access it with a computer.
Think like a stalker
So you look up directions to the restaurant on your phone. You leave a trail. You have left a map leading straight from home or workplace to where you are going. If you don’t regularly erase these you have left all the little crumbs needed.


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