I’m guessing you have a blog, right? I
mean who doesn’t now a day? But do
you know how to SEO a blog? By that
we mean how to search engine
optimize a blog… Whether you do or
don’t, here are some top SEO
blogging tips to get your blog and
individual blog posts well optimized
for the search engines.
1. Use Specific SEO Blog Meta Data
Each individual blog posts should
have specific
meta data attributed to
it. Make sure that meta data is not
redundant with other meta data on
the rest of the site. To have well
optimized blog posts you need to get
specific and niche with that code.
Make sure you are really targeted in
the keywords you shoot for. Try not
to incorporate keywords that are
loosely associate with the post, it will
only confuse the spider.
2. Determine Specific Pages for Cross
By determining the right pages to
cross link to you will have a better
SEO blog. For instance, if you want a
page on your site to rank for the term
SEO blog, you want to link to that
page with the term, “SEO blog.” By
doing this you will tell the search
engines to index that page for that
term. Make sure you have a good
keyword strategy and structure prior
to engaging in cross linking;
otherwise you may waste efforts.
3. SEO Blog Widgets
Having certain widgets in the sidebar
can play a large role in how
successful your SEO blog performs. If
you really want your blog to be well
search engine optimized, you’re going
to want to incorporate widgets that
allow you to categorize your content
and populate fresh content on your
SEO blog home pag. You’ll also want
to be able to easily share content to
improve your
social media marketing.
Overall your blogs widgets are vital
to your blog’s success; without even
knowing it your widgets could be
hurting your blogs
search engine
optimization. For instance, it you
have competing widgets that result
in URL directory structures creating
duplicate content that could hurt
your indexing for those blog posts.
Ultimately, the widgets you use in
your blog can have a massive impact
on your SEO blog. Make sure you read
reviews and do your research before
implementing them.
4. SEO Blog Semantic Markup
By utilizing semantic markup in your
SEO blog your posts will better target
keywords. For instance, if you want
your SEO blog to rank for “SEO blog”
you are going to want to highlight
the actual term SEO blog. Now you
want to be careful about the way
that you do this, as it can look
spammy if it is not approached
5. Keyword Density Improves SEO
Keyword density can optimize your
blog posts better for search. Make
sure you are adding keywords on a
frequent basis. While this is true,
make sure not to go overboard,
otherwise it will kill the readability of
your SEO blog.
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