Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Ideas for Blog Posts

When many businesses first start a
blog, it seems like the possibilities are
endless. Finally! You’ve found a place
to address all the other content that
speaks to your target audience, but
didn’t necessarily fit into your
business’ website. But, although the
topic ideas are plentiful at first, after
writing new blog posts a few times a
week for several months, you
inevitably hit a wall. Or you want to
hit your head against the wall. Either
way, you’ve run out of ideas and now
your head hurts, too. So how do you
get past the writer’s block to
generate new ideas? Follow these
five steps to get the creative juices—
and new blog post ideas—flowing
freely again.

Read other blogs
Start with a
competitor’s blog or a blog from
a business in a similar industry.
Then branch out to a few blogs
that are outside of your
industry, but that have great
content. Sometimes taking a
step back from a project you’re
close to can be the breath of
fresh air you needed to get
creative again.

Utilize social media channels to
see what your target audience
is talking about.

If your business’ blog is about
women’s fitness, what better
place to look for new ideas
then the Facebook page for
Women’s Health magazine or
the New York Marathon? What
types of questions are they
posting on their Facebook page
that people are “Liking” or
commenting on? Follow other
brands with complementary
services to your own on
Facebook, Twitter or other
social media platforms to see
what people are buzzing about.

Set up a Google Alert.
five to ten words you feel are
relevant to the types of
content you want to cover
within your blog. Then set up a
Google Alert to receive emails
in your inbox of news, blogs or
other content that mentioned
these keywords. This is not
only a great way to come up
with new blog post ideas, but
also a way to keep your finger
on the pulse of what’s going on
elsewhere that could be
relevant to your target

Look back at what worked in
the past.

If you use any measurement tools to track
blog post traffic (we
recommend Google Analytics),
look back over the last several
months to see which posts
received the most views on the
blog or interaction through
comments or social media
shares. Then brainstorm three
to five new posts you could
cover that fall within the same
category as the well-received
post. For example, if you
created a quiz titled, “How
Creative Are You?” you could
springboard off of that idea and
write a post on “What Type of
Creative Are You?” Sometimes,
being creative isn’t about
reinventing the wheel. It’s
about finding different ways to
use it.

Bounce ideas off of others.
If your office is set up anything
like ours (i.e. it has people who
work within it), chances are,
there’s someone nearby who
would be happy to take a
couple minutes out of their day
to hear some of your ideas, and
maybe even suggest a few of
their own. Even if it’s someone
in a completely different
department or role, sometimes
being creative is all about
getting a fresh perspective.

It’s much easier for someone who
hasn’t worked on the same
project day-in and day-out to
look at it from the outside and
say, “Hey, did you think about
[insert grand idea here]?” A
great idea is a great idea, and it
can come from anywhere. You
just have to ask.

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Anonymous said...


Research is the main and basic thing to write attractive, comprehensive and user friendly content which will help a lot to get good position in search engine as well as to attract visitors.

Unknown said...

nice post sob,

salam blogwalking

jgn lupa kunbalnya ya sob

Ded_ciat said...

awhnymous hack@ wokey kawan,,,thanks kunjungannya







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