Monday, July 23, 2012

Google Adsense Alternatives part 2

4 Infolinks
Infolinks offers in-text advertising. In-text ads are very unobtrusive compared to the rest and they don't eat space because they are displayed as popups when the user hovers over the hyperlink in the text they are anchored to. In-text ads from Infolinks work surprisingly well, though it varies depending on the niche. However, its payout of $50 isn't very nice, if your site(s) are small because you might have to wait for months to reach it.
5. adBrite
Many webmasters consider adBrite to bethe best Google Adsense alternative but since my experience with them isn't as good as my experience with Chitika or Infolinks, it comes as Number 5. adBrite is essentially an ad marketplace, where buyers and sellers can communicate to negotiate the price. This is what makes itdifferent from the rest. However, you need to have a very popular site with a very lucrative demographics in order to make it there because the competition isreally huge.

6. Clickbank
If you do not insist on using CPC ads as a Google Adsense alternative but are opento suggestions, then you should try affiliate sales (known also as CPA – CostPer Action). Clickbank is the Mecca of CPA offers and it should be your first stop. Clickbank offers probably millions of products and choosing what to promote could be the hardest task. However, the rewards you get could be times what you are making with Adsenseon a good day.

7. is another CPA ad network that works well for many publishers. It is especially good if you have a tech site because there are lots of cool gadgets there but since they have offers in almost any niche, it is also an option. Their ads are context sensitive and because of this are almost always relevant. However, their terms are very complicated and it will take you a lot of time to get familiar with what commissions you will be getting for your sales.

Next part 3,,,

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