1. Keywords:
You’re trying to rank for certain
keywords, right? That’s the whole
reason you’ve gotten into search
engine optimization in the first. So
you need to put these keywords in
your content. Each of your SEO
content pages should be themed
around similar keywords. Don’t try to
optimize a page for more than 4 or 5
keywords. It’s nearly impossible to
accurately optimize or write content
for more keywords and still retain
the value of the page. The goal
should be narrow, targeted pages
with very relevant content.
Your SEO content should be 100%
relevant to the keywords and, most
importantly, be useful to visitors.
Writing filler text with keywords
interspersed throughout doesn’t
provide value to a visitor and will
most likely not increase page views
or sales. Trickery also places you in a
gray area with search engines and
doesn’t provide long-term rankings.
While everyone seems to have an
opinion of what kind of keyword
density (KWD) your SEO content
should have, the general consensus
is between 3-5 percent. Any more
than 5 percent, and search engines
will not only see it as spam, but it will
seem spammy and keyword stuffed
to any regular person just reading it.
To figure out the KWD of a page,
divide the total number of keywords
used per phrase by the total number
of words in the content. KWD is
determined per keyword, not for all
keywords at once.
Example: If your keyword was
“shoes” and you used it 10 times in a
300 word page of content, you would
divide 10/300 = 3.33% KWD. If your
keyword phrase was “clown shoes”
and you used it 6 times in a 300 word
page of content, you would divide
12/300 = 4% KWD.
2. Cross Linking:
While each SEO content page is
themed to its own keywords, it’s
important to maintain an overall
theme between all the pages. The
main keywords of other pages on
your site need to be included in each
page to enable cross linking. For a
smaller site with five pages this is
easy. Just include the main keywords
of each page in each of the other
pages, and link each keyword to its
respective page. For a larger site with
20 or more pages, you may need to
divide the pages up and link them to
each other in smaller groups (you
don’t want 20+ in content links on
one page).
For instance, if you had a clothing
and shoes website, you could link all
the boots themed SEO content pages
to each other, link all the dress
themed pages to each other, link all
the pants themed pages to each
other, and link each page back to the
3. Formatting:
Studies show that most Internet
consumers scan a web page for
information relevant to their
interests and if they don’t find the
information they’re looking for
within the first couple of minutes,
they will leave the website. I’m
definitely guilty of this one, and you
probably are too. If I get to a page and
I see just one big block of text,
there’s about a 99 percent chance
that I will leave the page before I
have read all (or sometimes any) of
the text. Some SEO copywriting
techniques to break up text and help
readers find what they’re looking for
Bulleted lists
Numbered lists
Bolded words
Blocking off or centering important
chunks of text
4. Call to Action:
You don’t want to leave the reader
with nothing to do at the end of the
page. They have read your
information, statistics and/or sales
pitch, so what should they do now?
Whether it is a toll-free number to
call, a link to a contact page, or a link
to more information, your SEO
copywriting should always include
some sort of call to action at the end.
Create a sense of urgency with words
like “now,” “today,” etc. For example:
“Call us now to get the best clown
shoes today!”
5. Spelling and Grammar:
I can’t emphasize this enough:
always check your work after you are
done. Spell check is not always
accurate. Sometimes it will change
words automatically and you won’t
notice that it’s the wrong word.
Sometimes you can use the wrong
form of a word and not realize it until
later (i.e. their vs. there vs. they’re).
If I’m writing a bunch of pages of SEO
content, I wait until it’s all finished
and then check it with fresh eyes a
few hours later or the next day. If
you don’t trust your own eyes, have
a friend or co-worker look it over for
These five tips are just a start to
great SEO copywriting. What are your
tricks for writing SEO content?
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