Monday, August 06, 2012

Workings of SEO part 1

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) holds the secrets to the success of any online business promotion, and involves knowing the latest requirements of search engine companies to get your linklisted at the top of the SERPs. There are many factors which should be kept in mind while designing and promoting your efforts to achieve the maximum SEO results. Let's take a look at few of the possibilities.
Internet marketing begins with site design. Although you want it to be attractive, it must still be well organizedand easy for your potential customers tofind their way around. Customer confidence can be improved by having a Contact Us form where they can send their questions to you, if they can't find the answers on your site.
Once your site design is finished, its URL needs to be submitted to the search engines for their spiders to index your site. You can make use of Meta Tags to help communicate with the spiders as to how, and what, to include in the indexing, and can greatly improve the chances of your site being correctly displayed as a possible search result. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is offered by SEs to broaden the scope of your efforts by displaying your ad on other related sites.
Link building is also known as 'backlinks',and these are placed on other people's sites in an effort to please the SE spidersthat your site is very popular. The theory is that the more backlinks pointing to your site, the more traffic it gets, and is therefore a trusted source for either information or quality products and services.
One of the methods used to obtain thesebacklinks is known as article marketing. This involves writing articles about your products, or the knowledge you have, and submitting them to article directories where other people can buy, or ask for, permission to use them on their web sites. These articles have a resource box at the bottom of the text where a link is placed that points back toyour site which creates the 'backlink'.
Another accepted method of obtaining backlinks is by posting comments to the different types of social media. Blogs, membership books, RSS feeds, and mobile messaging are places where you can build a following of interested people who have requested notification when you have made another comment about your topic. Each of your commentscan have a URL at the bottom which alsopoints back to your site.
Mobile marketing has become an excellent means of promotion due to theincreased number of people who subscribe to a mobile service for cell phone an mobile devices. Most cell phones are Internet capable, and the same PPC ads used for desktop access to search engines are used to promote businesses to the mobile subscribers. Your backlinks are included in these ads.
There are many other factors which can be used in SEO to improve your site traffic and promote your products and services. Internet marketing is crucial to all businesses from grocery stores to charitable donations for a worthy cause. The success of your business hinges on knowing the secrets involved in the current SEO marketing tactics

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