I wanted to share a cool traffic trick I just discovered.
This one is super simple and can bring you hundreds of
extra visitors.
Here's how it works...
First, you need to go to Google and type in the following
search queries:
"Daily Link Roundup"
"Weekly Link Roundup"
"Monday Link Roundup"
"Friday Link Roundup"
"Link Roundup"
This will give you a list of blogs that do weekly link roundups
of good content from around the Web. And there are thousands
of blogs that do this on every imaginabletopic.
Now here's where you come in...
You can go to Google and look for a related blog that does
weekly roundups and then send the blog owner a link to your
your best content.
If you've published truly great content, then they are very
likely to link to you in their weekly link roundup, sending
you extra traffic and giving you a high-quality backlink.
This is an extremely powerful technique that I see VERY few
people using online.
It's super simple and can send you lots ofhighly-targeted
traffic. Your only job is to create truly valuable content.
Monday, September 17, 2012
traffic trick its work
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