Code Snippets
Check our collection of scripts and templates for good ideas you may not know how (or may not want to bother) to program.
*. Blank HTML document
*. HTML document with a right-side nav bar
*. HTML document with a left-side nav bar
*. Content-Type
*. CharSet
*. Document Type Declaration
*. An embedded stylesheet
*. An external stylesheet
*. An imported stylesheet
*. An inline style
*. A long list of JavaScript events
*. Code for an Ajax drop-down menu
*. Code to isolate cookies
*. Code to build a set of Live Thumbnails
*. Make a site-specific Google search box
*. Code for using the Delicious API
*. Draw a map using the Yahoo Maps API
*. Draw a map using the Google Maps API
*. Pull photos from the Flickr API
*. Create a custom YouTube video player
*. Request videos using the YouTube Data API
*. Get local search results from the Google Maps API
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Cut & Paste Code Templates and snippets you can steal
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