Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to get 1000 clicks on your webpage ? Part 3

• Misspell words If you're not using a search engine that corrects spelling for search inquiries, misspelled words might actually cause your website to appear higher in search rankings than it would otherwise. If this is the case, putting a few intentionally misspelled words within your content might also help get a 1000 clicks on yourweb page. For example, this article is called how to get 1000 clicks on your webpage. Maybe it would be typed how...

How to get 1000 clicks on your webpage ? Part 2

For example, if you're trying to get people to read an article like this you might include sequential words as follows: Increase web traffic, boost website visitors, fast ways to improve website traffic volume, how to build website registration, maximize web-search volume, search engine optimization, SEO, web traffic tips, attract web visitors, website traffic generation, expand website statistics, free web visitors, target web visitors etc. A paragraph...

How to get 1000 clicks on your webpage ? Part 1

There are several ways to get a 1000 clicks on your webpage. The methods discussed in this article have the affect of geometrically increasing web visitor traffic to web pages and web sites. The techniques don't take that long to do butdo require periodic website updates, newcontent, and advertising to remain effective. Additionally, after a set of website traffic techniques such as the following are used well enough, a website's ranking in search...

How to add scrolling windows to a webpage ? PART 3

For one CSS scrolling webpage example, we'd use a few brief CSS elements in thehead of our document to create a simple"fixed" header and footer, which is relative to the browser window itself, rather than to any other text or elements within the page. These "fixed" bars, one at the top and one at the bottom, will stretch across a page, regardless of width, and will remain in that position. When a surfer scrolls the page up or down, the central part...

How to add scrolling windows to a webpage ? PART 2

IFRAME Short for "inline frame", iframes allow a little more efficient page design than the full frames method, in that it can be included on a page with other content, and its height, width and placement can be controlled - it allows a page to have a "little window" which displays a selected document. Multiple iframes may also be placed on the same page, each displaying different content - potentially handy for some purposes. When using iframes,...

How to add scrolling windows to a webpage?? Part 1

In this day of cutting-edge internet scripting languages, some of the simpler"oldschool" techniques and methods for creating scrolling windows in a webpage sometimes get lost amongst the glitz of interactive, animated boxing chimpanzee ad banners and pages that automatically play "popular" tunes uponloading. These methods, however, still exist and work just as well now as they did ten years ago. Below are a few simple examples of different methods,...

Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 4

The funny numbers/symbols in front of the More Links< whatever you want thatsection to be named. (Do not delete and of the < signs, just the text in between them. That is always what you'll be renaming.) (You'll probably have a minimum of three or four links underneath it, so make it something thatrelates to the entire section.) Then remember those blank pages you named? Find their address (You can do that by opening them with your internet...

Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 3

The major things you'll have to adjust when you load your layout to your free host/server are the links and images. It all depends on the way your layout is organized. The links will take your readers to other parts of the webpage. So for starters in your file server you'll have to make an index page for the mainpage, and how ever many more pages you desire. Each page you create NAME something that is easy, simple, and will relate to the information...

Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 2

Also I discourage you to NOT change the layout! Do not take out the main image and switch in one of your own! That is not only disrespectful to layout designer, but it is guaranteed that the image you swap in won't look as good asthe image which was designed with the entire layout. So you have your layout, next thing you need is a server. One of the most popular free servers on the internet is Freewebs. It's absolutely free, has minimal pop up adds,...

Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 1

You are an anime fan. You, like hundredsof thousands of other people, want to have a webpage of your own, glorifying your favorite anime , creating an ultra popular online clique, or even just for personal use. However, you don't know alick of HMTL. How will you do it? Very easily actually! If you want to create your own anime themed webpage, it's quite easy to set up. First of all you need a layout. Layouts are the face plates of the webpage. It's...

Tips for surviving without a home Internet connection PART 2

Home Project There may be an old attic unattended for long, or certain parts of your home which need attention. Hence, dusts havecollected and some broken furniture which need to be fixed. Spend some time to attend to these. Make it your mini home project which may take most of your time at home. In fact, it is really fun to revamp your home or parts of it even if it's only spring cleaning. Involve your kids and spouse for this project andform...

Tips for surviving without a home Internet connection PART 1

More people are relying on the Internet and making it a necessity in their daily lives. As technology gets more modern and everyone seems to go wireless, there's no need to rely on a home Internet connection for most. Some are able to gain access at work to check emails and stuff whilst others have broadband connection on the go. However, for those whom are temporarily or permanently without a home Internet connection and seeking tips to survive,...

How to design your own website ? Part 3

is definitely more. CSS And HTML These are two things you should learn about before designing any type of website. Both are used in pretty much every good website design. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, allow you to set up a template for your website's pages. You can set up colors, fonts, page layout, and much more by using CSS. This takes a lot of time and effort out of the website design by only having to create the page design once, versus once...

How to design your own website ? Part 2

Use a simple color scheme throughout. Ifyou use darker colors, use as few as possible. Lighter colors blend well together and tend to look more professional. They also make text easierto read. If your site is more about graphics, then white or a dark color may make the graphics stand out better. Do not clutter a page. If you have lots of things to put on your site, break it up into multiple pages. People prefer to click links than to scroll a mile...

How to design your own website ? Part 1

Are you ready for your own little piece of the internet? One of the best ways is to design your own website. This lets people know more about you or your business. Designing a web site is simple. Having your own website allows you to express your views to the world or even start your own business. Designing a website does take a little planning, but is a fun learning experience. The tips below will help you get started. Purpose First things first,...

Blogging Offers Big Benefits to Affiliate Marketers part 2

Not only will you be blogging as the go-to person in your niche, but you can spy on the blogs of the very people you’re trying to target and determine what their needs are by the posts they create and then choose products to promote as an affiliate based on your undercover research...

Blogging Big Benefits to Affiliate Marketers part 1

If you’re an online marketer active in theprocess of affiliate advertising, blogging is one free promotional strategy that can help you drill into your niche’s needs. If you’re not currently familiar with the concept of blogging, it’s a great means of driving traffic to your site...

Tips to Get a Page 1 Ranking on Google

Getting on the first page of Google is every Internet Marketers dream. Let’s face it, page one equals more visitors which could convert into more sales. The good news is that you do not need a PhD in Search Engine Optimization to geton page one. All you need to do is follow these...

Tips On Driving Free Traffic To Your Website

After you are done with designing and uploading your website, you are requiredto drive the traffic to your website. If you want to earn the money with your website, then you need the regular and good number of visitors to your website. If you are planning to palce the Google Ads...

“Is Your Site Defensible?” The 10 Point Quiz. Updated For 2012 part-3

*. 1-3 yes’s : You’re f***ed. Probably better and easier to start a new Web site that has a more defensible idea behind it than to fix the old site. In the meantime the old site can sit as an (indefensible) passive revenue stream. (It may also be a good candidate to unload at Sitepoint.) *. 4-6 yes’s : Your site is like most quality Web sites –you have some defensible traits, but still a Google penalty and Adsense booting (or equivalent) would likely...

“Is Your Site Defensible?” The 10 Point Quiz. Updated For 2012 part-2

7. Does your site have some sort of remarkable value? This question is not asking: is your content “unique”? More like, if your site ceased to exist, would the Web as a whole lose something valuable? Would people’s lives be inconvenienced? If the answeris YES, your site is likely to get future citations, links and bookmarks–and further, search engines will have to think longer and harder before banning you or penalizing you, since not ranking your...

“Is Your Site Defensible?” The 10 Point Quiz. Updated For 2012 part 1

“In my experience the natural motivation to preserve wealth and income is even more powerful than thatto increase it. For us SEOs, this means making our sites, rankings, traffic and revenue defensible . “The following quiz is a little cheat sheet to let you know how defensible your site is. (For some, but not all of you, ‘defensible’ is nearly a synonym for ‘Google-proof’.) 1. Does your site rank in more than one search engine? As Google’s share...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Google Adwords - Manipulating Keywords For Success part 2

Phrase match tells the Adwords platform to only show your ad when a search is conducted for the particular order of your keyword phrase. Using the phrase match option for "travel journals", my ad would appear when someone search for a phrase with"travel journals" in it, but not "journals travel". To use phrase match for keyword phrases, you simply place quotation marks around them.Exact MatchExact match is…exact match. It is the most targeted option....

Google Adwords - Manipulating Keywords For Success part 1

As you probably know, Google Adwords is a pay-per-click solution offered by Google. As with other PPCs, you are given the ability to place your small advertisement on various platforms controlled by Google. While the platformprovides you with a large audience, you must manipulate your keywords to generate success.Matching OptionsWhen running an Adwords campaign, youcan and should define when your keywords will appear in search results. To do this,...

Lowongan CPNS di LKPP Juli 2012

hal-hal yang perlu diketahui oleh warga negara Indonesia yang berminat untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai Calon pegawai Negeri Sipil di LKPP tahun 2012.Seluruh informasi diatas terkait dengan Lowongan CPNS di LKPP Juli 2012 dapat anda unduh dengan klik link dibawah ini: http://www....

Sukses Menghadapi Sidang Skripsi part 2

6. Perhatikan bahasa penyampaianDalam penyampaian presentasi, gunakanlah bahasa indonesia dengan ejaan yang sudah disempurnakan. Hindari pemilihan kata-kata diluar EYD,seperti kata-kata gaul yang biasa kita gunakan sehari-hari. Hal ini biasanya mempengaruhi penilaian.7. Perhatikan...

Sukses Menghadapi Sidang Skripsi part 1

Jika anda mahasiswa/i tingkat akhir, mungkin tidak lama lagi akan menghadapi sidang skripsi/kerja praktek/yang lainnya. Dan biasanya halini yang paling ditakutkan. Sesaat si mahasiswa akan terkena sindrom sidangisme. Perut mules, pengen minum terus, keringat dingin keluar, gak enak duduk, panik, resah, gelisah dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.Sebenarnya gak ada yang perlu ditakutkan untuk menghadapi sidang. Asalkan kita punya persiapan yang cukup...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Inspirational 'Daily Word' Now Available Online

What's in a word? Inspiration. Peace. Tranquility. Comfort. Harmony. Inner peace. Hope. Guidance.Since its beginnings in 1924, the venerable Daily Word magazine from Unity has offered spiritual enrichment topeople of all faiths. Daily Word now has the distinction of being the oldest continually published daily inspirational magazine in the nation. It is published in seven languages and mailed to more than 1 million readers in 175 countries.Unity...

Sports Betting Affiliate Commissions: Earning Passive Income Online 2

Others may note that whilst bookmakers may win a high percentage of times, they can't win every time, therefore making ita slightly rocky industry of ups and downs. It is true that bookmakers can lose as well as win, which will no doubt affect the amount of revenue an affiliate makes. However most programsprotect the affiliates from this potential downfall, simply by implementing a stopthat does not allow an affiliate to earn a negative balance....

Sports Betting Affiliate Commissions: Earning Passive Income Online 1

When big industries and the common man collide, there is usually only one financial winner. However in the online world of opportunity, there are chances to turn this tide and to even start makingmoney off of the backs of the large industry. Affiliate programs offer Internet users the chance to earn money by hosting advertising for specific companies or industries. However the online sports betting industry have comeup with another marketing strategy,...

Want to Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Markets? 2

Things will only have to get better from there because you already have been in worst situationsTry this out. If you are quite happy and satisfied with your web host, try to see ifthey are offering an affiliate program you can participate on. Instead of you paying them, why not make it the other way around; them paying you. The process can be as easy as putting a small "powered by" or "hosted by" link at the bottom of your page and you are already...

Want to Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Markets? 1

38 million people have put up their very first websites online this year 2005 alone. It is estimated that by 2008, the internet sales industry will top then dollar bank. And to think, majority of those sites will be offering different affiliate programs for people to choose and participate into.This only means one thing. It is easier now to find the right web host for your application. The possibility of quality web hosting companies separating themselves...

How To Design Your Website For Optimal Productivity 3

For standard text, use font sizes of at least 10 pt... 12 pt is better. On many a web site, font sizes of 8 pt or less are used, perhaps in an effort to avoid the need to scroll. Let me tell you... it's much better to scroll than to squint. For when I squint, I usually stroll...right out of the site. It's also a good practice to limit the use of italics as theytoo are harder to read. Lastly, pay attention to text and background color. Although white...

How To Design Your Website For Optimal Productivity 2

Whether it's to elicit feedback, provide feedback, promote your company, present product information, etc., all play a role in your ultimate goal of growing your business.Navigation around and through your business web site must be clearly visibleand easy to use. See my article on web site navigation for more details.Avoid distraction and clutter by minimizing usage of fancy flashing and moving objects, which provide more sizzle than steak, and make...

How To Design Your Website For Optimal Productivity 1

What works best when promoting your web site.Eight Simple, Yet Essential, Web Design Principlesby: Alan RichardsonAs the internet evolves from its infancy into maturity, website development, design and marketing becomes more andmore sophisticated - and more and morecomplex. Content manipulation, various scripting methods, fancy graphics and effects... and on and on... allow us to create some impressive web sites.A good gauge of this complexity is...

One of the best opportunities to generate free traffic - Your websiteis shown to others!

Hit Exchanges offer one of the best opportunities to generate free traffic, and most importantly, ongoing traffic to your website. It works when you consistently click for credits by viewing other websites. In exchange, you websiteis shown to others.However, the real benefit with exchanges is the traffic you earn from referring others. Viral marketing - multiplying over and over again.The key to making Hit Exchanges work for you is referring others....

Cost Per Click Bid Management

What do you mean by Pay per click (PPC) Search engine marketing? When you ask a Internet surfer about cost per click search engines they view it as a search engine where you search for information. But when you ask the same question to a person who runs paid inclusion in search engines it is an inexpensive way to drive targeted trafficto their website.This is how Pay per click works, if any one wants to bid on keyword in search engines for their...

Combing The Power Of Google Adsense And Email Marketing 2

To do this, you should include do the following:· Place the article on the web page· Ad all three Adsense blocks in prominent places· Make sure that the ad blocks look like standard text, with the no borders and blue links· If you have to have other links on this page, include them at the bottom where there is a less chance of being clicked onAfter designing your web pages, you need to create an autoresponder sequence for your email list. The primary...

Combing The Power Of Google Adsense And Email Marketing 1

In the past year, Google Adsense has become the "It" way to make money on the Internet.But even if you already use Google Adsense on your site, you are probably leaving money on the table. Let me explain why…Most people create a site, slap some content and then wait for people to click on their ads.But once people click on an ad, they are gone….probably forever!One method that smart Internet marketers use to maximize their Google Adsense is to harness...

Monitoring RSS Feeds 3 - FeedBurner offers a full range of services to help you build awareness, track circulation, and implement revenue-generating programs in your feed(s).http://www.feedburner.comEach individual using RSS needs to make a decision of the extent and importance of the analytics they require. Realizing that any system they employ is not going to be perfect.Note:Read Part 1 and 2Thank you for reading thisartic...

Monitoring RSS Feeds 2

Some publishers, who were concerned about lock-in or wanted to retain controlof the domain and feed urls often resist a hosting service. The new program FeedBurner Partner Pro is not free, but allows for users to point to their own domain, retaining complete control of their feeds without sacrificing statistical tracking.<The downside to using a service like FeedBurner is that some filtering applications used on corporate proxy servers block feeds...

Monitoring RSS Feeds 1

Measuring and tracking RSS while a fairly simple concept, is really anything but. Unlike websites, RSS have the addedcaveat of potential syndication, making accurate tracking a challenge to anyone but the extremely tech savvy.It is not unrealistic for marketers to want to know how many subscribers they have, which items in their feeds attract the most interest, or how many click-throughs are generated as a result of an RSS feed.There are a number...

Designing Your Site For The Search Engines 2

On the other hand, you might want to have just the text in HTMLand insert all the other parts of the pagewith Javascript: this will tend to make your page appear more focused, although you should be careful not to insert navigation links this way if you want the search engines to follow them. <Use Meta Tags.Yes, meta tags are out of fashion, and search engines pay no attention to them any more when it comes to ranking your site, but they're still...

Designing Your Site For The Search Engines 1

When you design a website, it's easy to focus on what your visitors are going to see. What you have to realise, though, is that you're going to have another kind ofvisitor with a completely different agenda: they're not going to be looking at your pretty logo and they're not goingto be passing judgement on your background colour. What they're looking for is the content and structure of your page.They're the search engine spiders, and they are in...

Blog Host that Pays 2

A bonus to any blogger is getting paid to blog! A lot of blog hosts are adding more features to their service to attract more users.
One such host is Blog Charm, which pays its users a percentage of ad revenue they generate. Everytime a blog user gets a visitor, that user will get paid.
There are a lot of other free blog hosts out there so before deciding where to settle down, consider which features areimportant to you.



Blog Host that Pays 1

If you're considering starting a personal blog using a free blog host, it is a good idea to do a bit of research as to where you will put up your "home". There are plenty of free blog hosts appearing these days because blogging has become incredibly popular! These are the things to consider when looking for afree blog host:TEMPLATESDoes the blog host provide a wide range of templates? Is it easy to customise? Is there a guide for users about the...

Six Quick Ways Your Website Benefits From Blogging Part 2

5. A blog on it's own domain name can dothat as well, but the link from it to yourname.comis going to carry more weight.6. Getting the spiders to find all of your new websites. I find that because I have several blogs, if I want to get my or a client's new website crawled by the search engines I can do it faster by adding a link to my blogs than I can by submitting to the search engines. Because I update my blogs daily, the spider crawls the blog...

Six Quick Ways Your Website Benefits From Blogging Part 1

In this article I'm going to give you six ways that having a blog helps your website. There are a lot more reasons tostart a blog, but this article has to do with the benefits to your website.1. A blog on the same domain name, (as part of your website like can help you add fresh content to your website without having to know html. Fresh dailyor even weekly content can keep the search spiders coming back more often. Writing...

FC plus RSS = SEO

No, this is not the new math. It is the formula for getting your web site recognized by the search engine spider.The formula is Fresh Content + Really Simple Syndication = Search Engine Optimization.. This is an easy way to get the search engine spiders to come and visit your site on a regular basis, see that"updates" have been made, and get you ranked higher in the directories.It isn't that difficult to write a 300 – 500 word article about your...

Webmaster Tools All For Free part 2

More utilities and tools that function to augment your website are out there. Fortunately, there are websites that exist for the sole purpose of being a "toolbox" for webmasters. These nifty sites are invaluable in that aside from providing free tools, they also include information about how to use the tools provided. <Nothing is more frustrating than having to figure things out for yourself in a trial and error manner, which consumes too much...

Webmaster Tools All For Free part 1

Just about anyone with a computer and an internet connection can make a website. Creativity and purpose though, solely rests on the author's shoulders. There are plenty of free web hosting services out there and you only have to look for one that suits your needs. Features like customizability, available space, uploading/downloading method and scripting are usually what sets thesefree hosting sites apart from one another. If you find these sites...

Interview: Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse part 4

Alex : I’m really looking forward to hearing the new Morbid Angel album. Also, there are a lot of great tours happening that’ll I’ll be able to check out since we’re home this year: Symphony X/Nevermore, Accept, Ozzy, Iron Maiden…it’s going to be an awesome year for live metal!Rocksins...

Interview: Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse part 3

Rocksins : When you first came out back in 1990 it was fairly easy to shock people with album art and lyrical content. Do you think bands these days are finding it increasingly harder to find that shock factor? And if so, what can bands do now that is genuinely shocking? After all,...

Interview: Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse part 2

Alex : Most likely not. We have no plans to tour in 2011. We are currently home inthe Tampa Bay area writing our next album, we’ll record it in September so that will leave us with an early 2012 release. So, we’ll probably wait to tour until the album is released.Rocksins : You have...

Interview: Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse part 1

First known for their graphic, controversial art work and equally controversial lyrics, American Death Metal band Cannibal Corpse have had a strong 23 years in the business. Their early beginnings saw them quickly become one of the most influential bands in the genre, not only for...

Dieting Success Tips part 3

Think about it, when you go into the grocery all of the healthy stuff, fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products are arranged around the stores walls. You only rarely need to enter the center aisle areas in those few stores that stock butter and cheese in the center near the frozen foods. For the most part all of the foods that you need for your low carb diet can be found on the perimeter of the grocery store.Train yourself to start on one end...

Dieting Success Tips part 2

SUCCESS TIP NO. 15: GET YOUR FRUIT FRESH NOT SQUEEZEDFruit juice can be very tempting as a replacement for soda, but just how healthy is fruit juice? If you read the labels you will soon realize that in many of the commercial juices available at your local grocery store there is very little actual fruit juice.What you will find is lots of sugar water and other ingredients. Why not skip the juice altogether and eat a fresh piece of fruit? Not only...

Dieting Success Tips part 1

SUCCESS TIP NO. 11: EAT YOUR LARGER MEALS EARLY AND SMALLER MEALS LATERYou will feel better and lose weight quicker if you eat a large breakfast and eat a smaller dinner. You may also want to eat the majority of your carbs earlier in the day, saving a salad and lean meat protein for dinner.Eating larger meals during the part of the day when you are most active will help you to feel satisfied throughout the day and curb cravings for unhealthy snacks.SUCCESS...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Credit Card Application Facts 2

If you have detailed questions, it is best to contact the customer service department. Shopping for credit cards online can allow you to compare the different offers available from the comfort of your home. You can look for the best interest rates and features. While shopping for credit cards online is fast, it is important to remember that some websites are fraudulent. Applying for credit cards has never been easi...

Credit Card Application Facts

If you have never applied for a credit card before, there are things you will need to know about them. Credit cards can bring you a convenience which is unrivaled by using cash or checks. Despite this, using your credit card improperly and can lead to a financial hardship which is difficult to overcome. Many credit card companies will now allow you to apply for cards online. This has made it easy for people to compare credit card offers.The first...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cut & Paste Code Templates and snippets you can steal

Code SnippetsCheck our collection of scripts and templates for good ideas you may not know how (or may not want to bother) to program.HTML*. Blank HTML document*. HTML document with a right-side nav bar*. HTML document with a left-side nav bar*. Content-Type*. CharSet*. Document Type DeclarationCSS*. An embedded stylesheet*. An external stylesheet*. An imported stylesheet*. An inline styleJavaScript*. A long list of JavaScript events*. Code for an...

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