Tuesday, July 31, 2012
How to get 1000 clicks on your webpage ? Part 3
• Misspell words If you're not using a search engine that corrects spelling for search inquiries, misspelled words might actually cause your website to appear higher in search rankings than it would otherwise. If this is the case, putting a few intentionally misspelled words within your content might also help get a 1000 clicks on yourweb page. For example, this article is called how to get 1000 clicks on your webpage. Maybe it would be typed how to get a thousend or thousnd clicks on your webbage. To find out which misspelled words have the highest search volume try using the following Google key word tool . In summary, getting a 1000 clicks on your webpage is easy, 1 million, is the real challenge. Some ways everyone already knows about, other ways aren't so well known, and as soon as they become known might not work as well because everyone is using them. A rule of thumb is if your content has something of value or utility, it is more likely to have a market regardless. Of course the guaranteed way to get a 1000 clicks on your website would be to click on it yourself 1000 times. This can occur naturally over time if you work on the website often, but is also often contrary to the intended purpose of the website.
How to get 1000 clicks on your webpage ? Part 2
For example, if you're trying to get people to read an article like this you might include sequential words as follows: Increase web traffic, boost website visitors, fast ways to improve website traffic volume, how to build website registration, maximize web-search volume, search engine optimization, SEO, web traffic tips, attract web visitors, website traffic generation, expand website statistics, free web visitors, target web visitors etc. A paragraph can be off putting if it’s the first thing a visitor sees on the webpage however, so keeping keywords strategically placed and better yet, part of the content, is a more aesthetic way to utilize key words and key phrases. • Create quality content To get a second 1000 clicks on your webpage and keep visitors at your site requires content. Unappealing, boring, useless, or stagnant content do not bodewell for increasing web site traffic. 1000 people may visit your website, but if there's nothing there that interests them, they're less likely to return. Creating quality content and periodicallyadding it to your site keeps content new and fresh and helps retain website traffic and build search engine ranking. • Have an interesting title The title of a webpage is an important element in being identified by a web crawler as relevant to a search. In such case, 1) having a title that matches the query, and 2) making the title interesting improve the chance web surfers will read or visit your website before another. Titles are part of search engine optimization so using relevant keywords that are within the first few words of the title is beneficial to getting a 1000 clicks on your webpage.
How to get 1000 clicks on your webpage ? Part 1
There are several ways to get a 1000 clicks on your webpage. The methods discussed in this article have the affect of geometrically increasing web visitor traffic to web pages and web sites. The techniques don't take that long to do butdo require periodic website updates, newcontent, and advertising to remain effective. Additionally, after a set of website traffic techniques such as the following are used well enough, a website's ranking in search engine results may move higher thereby increasing the probability and volume of website traffic further. • Multiply links and fair use content Search engine spiders and web crawlers pick up content based on what's it contains. For example, this article will bemore likely to show up in a search for increasing website traffic, or literally how to get 1000 clicks on your web page. So the more links and excerpts of your content you have on different websites, the greater the number of potential search query options and clicksto your website there are. For example, fair use copyright would allow a small paragraph from your content or site to be quoted with a link on another website. • Innovate and replicate marketing Marketing is the grease that improves the functionality of your content, if by functionality one means increasing web site traffic. In other words, to get a 1000 clicks on your webpage requires marketing or no one will know you have a web page to look at. The better your marketing the more potential clicks you'll have. Innovation takes something that’s already been done, and does it in a new, enhanced or creatively optimal way. Replication repeats the process to increase exposure. For examples of web innovation that works have a look at thetop ten traffic sites at this link . • Search Engine Optimize Sometimes when browsing the web you'll see web pages that have lots of keywords in a paragraph that look like gibberish.
How to add scrolling windows to a webpage ? PART 3
For one CSS scrolling webpage example, we'd use a few brief CSS elements in thehead of our document to create a simple"fixed" header and footer, which is relative to the browser window itself, rather than to any other text or elements within the page. These "fixed" bars, one at the top and one at the bottom, will stretch across a page, regardless of width, and will remain in that position. When a surfer scrolls the page up or down, the central part of the page itself will react normally, but the header and footer will remain stationary- they are actually hovering "on top of" the rest of the normal page, not really a relative part of it. Fixed elements like these are ideal for keeping a website's title header and footer visible to the reader, while allowing them to navigate the rest of the page normally. Once you have declared CSS elements, you will need to make use of them in thebody of your page's HTML. Some webmasters may be intimidated by the admittedly larger chunk of HTML (and CSS) than in the previous examples,but there's no need - CSS is a "normal" and powerful aspect of HTML. I hope this article was clear and helpful -remember, these are just the very basics of just a few options available to the discerning webmaster looking for some ideas on how to implement scrolling webpages.
How to add scrolling windows to a webpage ? PART 2
IFRAME Short for "inline frame", iframes allow a little more efficient page design than the full frames method, in that it can be included on a page with other content, and its height, width and placement can be controlled - it allows a page to have a "little window" which displays a selected document. Multiple iframes may also be placed on the same page, each displaying different content - potentially handy for some purposes. When using iframes, it's free scrollbars foreverybody! There's not much to an iframes implementation: call the iframe with theopening tag, and then close it. Obviously there are more detailed, advanced properties and options available, but thebasics are pretty lean and simple. CASCADING STYLE SHEETS "CSS" for short, stylesheets have been around a long time but in the last few years have really began to come into their own as a viable modular technique for controlling how information on a page is displayed, and indeed, to some extent, the structure of the page itself. Without delving into the vast field of CSScapabilities, the next example will focus on what is known as "positioning". Now, first off, for those not familiar withstylesheets, CSS implementation is a little different than just dropping in some HTML tags, though it technically is just another portion or aspect of it, as CSS is also "built in" to HTML and all browsers have some ability to parse and display CSS (though unfortunately, not all display it the same way). Stylesheets may be referenced by HTMLeither by their inclusion within the bounds of the tags in the of a page itself (inline method), or by including a relative link to a seperate "external" stylesheet file - also in the (but not ) portion of the page. External stylesheets are the suggested format for using CSS, once a webmaster has a solid grip on the basics of stylesheets. CSS in the document outside of its appropriate area will not be parsed correctly.
How to add scrolling windows to a webpage?? Part 1
In this day of cutting-edge internet scripting languages, some of the simpler"oldschool" techniques and methods for creating scrolling windows in a webpage sometimes get lost amongst the glitz of interactive, animated boxing chimpanzee ad banners and pages that automatically play "popular" tunes uponloading. These methods, however, still exist and work just as well now as they did ten years ago. Below are a few simple examples of different methods, each of which can be fairly easily implemented into any page by anyone with a basic knowledge of HTML. FRAMES Frames were very popular for a while, asthey provided a way for one page to automatically "include" additional information or webpage content, such as"universal" content, like a navigation bar, header or footer, without requiring the webmaster to paste the same selection of text into each page where he wishes to include this "universal" content. Although there are still some downsides and limitations (though not as many as there used to be) to using frames on a website, this is a pretty basic, straightforward method that is natively"built into" basic HTML and is implemented using only normal HTML frames-related tags. With some further editing (beyond the scope of this article) on the particulars of each frame, a particular frames design would allow for a page with a"header" (the top frame), with a left side navigation menu and then content in the remaining frame. Any content loaded into any of the frames, if too large to fit into the frame at once, will present the webpage viewer with a scrollbar to enable them to view the complete content of the frame. The (depending on your point of view) downside of frames (besides very old browsers not being able to display them correctly) is that the main page that has all the frames tags itself, has NO content - it is used as a page structure or skeleton only, so frames pages/sites will have to be built modularly, with one source page being just the header, another page being just the navigation, etc.
Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 4
The funny numbers/symbols in front of the More Links< whatever you want thatsection to be named. (Do not delete and of the < signs, just the text in between them. That is always what you'll be renaming.) (You'll probably have a minimum of three or four links underneath it, so make it something thatrelates to the entire section.) Then remember those blank pages you named? Find their address (You can do that by opening them with your internet browser) it'll be something like: www.freewebs/exampleID/examplepage.html Take that address and copy and paste it between the quotation marks where it simply says "link". That part is what directs you to the right page. Then, put the title of the page in the >Your link here!< part. That's the text that shows up on the link in the webpage, so it doesn't have to say examplepage', you can completely change it, it doesn't matter. Go through and do that for every link/heading. When you're done with the save your progress, then copy and paste this main index file in to all of your pages. (All of the pages will keep the same basic framework. The only thing that changes on them is their basic content.) Once you're done with this you'll want togo through every page and write in your content using the paragraph and paragraph break commands. If you want to create a link to a file, or display an image then use the tools your web server provides you with. As you're doing this you may want to keep in mind that you'll want an affiliateor two. Affiliates are webpages that are your friends'. They put up links to your webpage, and you put up links to their webpage. The idea is that you generate and share hits. Eventually as you continue to update your webpage, you'll get more HTML savvy whether you want to or not. Somefuture goals you may want to pursue arean update icon, getting a shout box, perhaps a message board, maybe even aguest book. Often times your web servers provide FAQs and how to's, and the webpages I mentioned earlier also have a lot of tutorials as well. Good luck and happy web
Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 3
The major things you'll have to adjust when you load your layout to your free host/server are the links and images. It all depends on the way your layout is organized. The links will take your readers to other parts of the webpage. So for starters in your file server you'll have to make an index page for the mainpage, and how ever many more pages you desire. Each page you create NAME something that is easy, simple, and will relate to the information you decide to place on it. (If the layout has more links then you want to use, just delete them.) Once you have all of the pages up (but empty) open your layout in NOTEPAD. It will open up to a bunch of confusing and jumbled HTML. This is what your webpage really is, a bunch of commandsthat tell the internet what to display. Select ALL of the jargon and words, copyand past it into the index page. (Your fileserver will have something similar to notepad in which you copy and paste thetext into.) Similarly, you must also upload all of your pictures that deal withthe layout into your server. Next go through and change the links and headings (In HTML mode). They'll beeasy to find. They'll be somewhere near the top of the layout and look somethinglike this. (Remember, I use () instead of < and >.) (p class="menu")More Links(/p)(/center) § (a href="link" )Your link here!(/a)(br) § (a href="link" )Your link here!(/a) (br) § (a href="link" )Your link here!(/a) (br) (It is notable this is a fragment of a Daystar Design layout made by its webmaster.)
Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 2
Also I discourage you to NOT change the layout! Do not take out the main image and switch in one of your own! That is not only disrespectful to layout designer, but it is guaranteed that the image you swap in won't look as good asthe image which was designed with the entire layout. So you have your layout, next thing you need is a server. One of the most popular free servers on the internet is Freewebs. It's absolutely free, has minimal pop up adds, and is easy to use. Of course there's also the traditional free servers,angel fire, tripod and geocities, but they have been erased with the new free hosting spaces like mister.net, bravenetand more. Next you'll have to set up your webpage,so like it or not you'll have to learn several basic HTML codes. (Don't worry they're very easy.) (As a note I can't type out the exact commands because Helium keeps reading them as actual HTML)The basic two that you must knoware the new paragraph/end paragraph and break codes. Every piece of HMTL must be put between these. < >, there won't be a space between the greater than/less than symbols, just theletters and correct slashes. To get around the HTML block here, I'll be using ( and) instead of the < , and >. So the new paragraph coding would be (p), and then once you've finished the paragraph you type (/p). Similarly, to put a break between two paragraphs type (br). Similarly there is (i) and (/i) for italicizing text, (b) and (/b) for bolding text and (u) and (/u) for underlining. (The text you want to italicize/bold/underline goes in between the coding.) Once you understand and remember these basic commands you'll be fine, therest is simply copy and pasting.
Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 1
You are an anime fan. You, like hundredsof thousands of other people, want to have a webpage of your own, glorifying your favorite anime , creating an ultra popular online clique, or even just for personal use. However, you don't know alick of HMTL. How will you do it? Very easily actually! If you want to create your own anime themed webpage, it's quite easy to set up. First of all you need a layout. Layouts are the face plates of the webpage. It's the maingraphic with all the links set up in an organized manner. It's made up of solid HTML, a coding language. Sadly you don't have 6 months or more to learn this interesting language, you want your layout now. This problem is easily solved. There are many webpages out there that have free anime layouts! There are four big ones who all happen to be affiliates. (You'll learn about affiliates later) Daystar Design is the first of the four, sporting over 90 popular layouts. (Daystar Design is famous for its gigantic bishounen wallpaper archive, solayouts are not its main theme but Daystar still is one of the top layout providers on the internet.) Aethereality boasts over 120 layouts. (The key to remember about Aethereality is that its webmaster frequently updates, and often deletes old layouts, so the 120 in circulation are the cream of the crop.) Celestial Star has a total of 270 layouts to its name. (The layouts here are amazing, however Celestial Star has started slowing down in their updates recently.) And finally we have Daydream Graphics, hauling a grand total of 2600 anime layouts. (While Daydream graphics undeniably has the most layouts many of them are of extremely old anime series that you may not want to use, so be sure to checkout the other big three names too!) An important note about these layouts and the layout providers is that you must give the creators proper credit. Almost every single layout available hasa small little copyright box that you must keep on the layout if you use it.
Tips for surviving without a home Internet connection PART 2
Home Project There may be an old attic unattended for long, or certain parts of your home which need attention. Hence, dusts havecollected and some broken furniture which need to be fixed. Spend some time to attend to these. Make it your mini home project which may take most of your time at home. In fact, it is really fun to revamp your home or parts of it even if it's only spring cleaning. Involve your kids and spouse for this project andform a special bond with them. The amount of happiness derived is priceless. After all, a beautiful home makes the heart grows fonder. Not Bad After All These are some activities which may help you to survive even without a homeInternet connection. After all, without the existence of Internet before, people are able to survive and filling their time with fun stuffs to do at home. Do tell yourself that these options are like small blessings in disguise, which you may have realized that the time taken to spend on the Internet has reallysucked up most of the time, preventing you from doing them. So, now is the time to catch up.
Tips for surviving without a home Internet connection PART 1
More people are relying on the Internet and making it a necessity in their daily lives. As technology gets more modern and everyone seems to go wireless, there's no need to rely on a home Internet connection for most. Some are able to gain access at work to check emails and stuff whilst others have broadband connection on the go. However, for those whom are temporarily or permanently without a home Internet connection and seeking tips to survive, here are some options:- Stacking Up on Books To Read This is perhaps one of the best time to catch up on stuffs which you are wantingto read but not having the time to. Borrow some from the library if you have yet to or buy one which catches your eye and spend time reading them. Make a mental note to write a review for it when you are done, just for future reference. It is also good to pass the time by choosing this activity, and this is a good way to rest your fingers from surfing the Internet. Spending time to read may also be considered as a relaxation time with a cup of coffee or tea to accompany and some nice, slow music to relax the mind. Play Indoor Games There are lots of indoor games that can be played with family members and loveones. Invite a close friend over for a game of chess or a group of players for Monopoly and etc. Rejoice the time when Internet access wasn't made widespread at most homes, and when life was much simpler with people playing indoor games and forming a close bond with one another. If you like, have a tea party after the game session and a snack or two. Gardening Activity If you have a small garden at the back ofyour home, or in the front porch, and have since left it unattended, now is the perfect time to tend to it. It's time to getthose tools out and tear away the weeds. You might want to plant a small plant or two, and treat it as a form of exercise as well.
How to design your own website ? Part 3
is definitely more. CSS And HTML These are two things you should learn about before designing any type of website. Both are used in pretty much every good website design. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, allow you to set up a template for your website's pages. You can set up colors, fonts, page layout, and much more by using CSS. This takes a lot of time and effort out of the website design by only having to create the page design once, versus once per page. These also help keep you site uniform and simple. HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is the code behind your website. There will be other elements as well, but they are all embedded in HTML code. Understanding HTML will let you create a better site. You will also be more comfortable editing various elements of your site. Meta Tags These are vital to getting your site noticed by search engines. Learn all you can about using meta tags, especially if you have a business site. The more traffic you receive the more business you'll get. Hosting After you've designed your site, you will need to find a host. There are free and paid hosts. Both allow you to upload your site for the world to see. Free hostsoften require ads. Paid hosts give you more features and flexibility without ads. Either will allow you to use a subdomain (i.e. http://hostname.com/yoursite) or a domain (i.e. http://yoursite.com). Decide which is best for your needs. Designing a website is fairly easy if you plan carefully and know who your audience will be. Design your site with them in mind. Before you know it, your site will be on the web for the world to see.
How to design your own website ? Part 2
Use a simple color scheme throughout. Ifyou use darker colors, use as few as possible. Lighter colors blend well together and tend to look more professional. They also make text easierto read. If your site is more about graphics, then white or a dark color may make the graphics stand out better. Do not clutter a page. If you have lots of things to put on your site, break it up into multiple pages. People prefer to click links than to scroll a mile long page. When designing a website, -----------------------------NOTE: NEXT READ PART 3
How to design your own website ? Part 1
Are you ready for your own little piece of the internet? One of the best ways is to design your own website. This lets people know more about you or your business. Designing a web site is simple. Having your own website allows you to express your views to the world or even start your own business. Designing a website does take a little planning, but is a fun learning experience. The tips below will help you get started. Purpose First things first, what is the purpose of your site? Is it completely personal, or are you devoted to a specific interest? Are you trying to start a business or helpadvertise an existing business? Sites that are personal can be more haphazard. After all, friends and family are going to be the main ones looking at it. If you create a site to talk about an interest, you will want to make it more appealing to attract other people with the same interest. For business related sites, you need to work hard to make it look professional. You also need to learn more about site promotion and keywords. This isn't difficult, but requires a bit more work than a personal site. Features and Software Decide what features you want. Do you need forums, message boards, tables, menus, graphics, animation, or something completely different? You need to decide what features you want and look at other sites to see how they incorporated these elements. You also will need to choose some type of software to design your site. Whereas, you may be talented enough to do the whole thing in a simple text editor, most people will want to use some type of WYSIWYG (what you see iswhat you get) editor. Find software that you're comfortable with and learn aboutall its features. Once you decide on software, you will know what features to look for when choosing where to host your site. Keep Things Simple Nothing will detract more from a site than excessive colors and clutter. You may have great information on your site,but if no one can stand to read it, then the site is pointless.
Blogging Offers Big Benefits to Affiliate Marketers part 2
Not only will you be blogging as the go-to person in your niche, but you can spy on the blogs of the very people you’re trying to target and determine what their needs are by the posts they create and then choose products to promote as an affiliate based on your undercover research techniques. Blogging has become one of the most dynamic and free strategies for driving traffic to affiliate promotions. Start one free today at www.WordPress.comor www.Blogger.comand position yourself as an expert today! AD What do blogs, MySpace, Podcasting, Vlogging, Squidoo and forums have to dowith successful affiliate marketing? David Cooper wants YOU to know. When you know how to leverage Web 2.0 resources to your advantage, you can experience an Affiliate Avalanche of earnings! --------------------------- NOTE: THANKS FOR READ THIS ARTICLE!
Blogging Big Benefits to Affiliate Marketers part 1
If you’re an online marketer active in theprocess of affiliate advertising, blogging is one free promotional strategy that can help you drill into your niche’s needs. If you’re not currently familiar with the concept of blogging, it’s a great means of driving traffic to your site as well as any of your affiliate promotions and the best part is – it doesn’t cost you a dime. Blogging started as an electronic model for keeping and online journals that the public could read. But is has grown by leaps and bounds into a much more diversified outlet for sharing informationto many people at once, and as an affiliate, it’s a great way to turn your promotions viral. You can use a blog to network with your niche, interact with them in an exchange where you post content and allow them to comment on it, and convince them that the recommendations they’re reading are coming from a trusted source. As an affiliate marketer, your primary goal is to immerse yourself in a niche and make solid recommendations of the products for which you’re an affiliate. Asyour expertise grows and is recognized by more people, your sales will increase as well. Blogs are easy to set up and maintain. Most blogging sites have a simple wizardthat walks you through the setup process, allowing you to click and choosetemplates, enter a little keyword-relevant text, and publish your presence in mere minutes. Then, all you have to do is log on frequently and update your blog so that others continue their interest in your blog and ultimately follow through on the recommendations of products that you expose them to in your posts. Many affiliate marketers never have a domain of their own. Instead, they rely on blogs to be their home on the ‘net because search engine spiders love blog content, and so does any target audience! --------------------------- NOTE: Next to Read Go to Part 2
Tips to Get a Page 1 Ranking on Google
Getting on the first page of Google is every Internet Marketers dream. Let’s face it, page one equals more visitors which could convert into more sales. The good news is that you do not need a PhD in Search Engine Optimization to geton page one. All you need to do is follow these 5 simple tips. Before we go on, these tips are in no waya guarantee. In fact, if you are competingagainst millions of others chances are you won’t make it but to give yourself a fighting chance, do the following: 1.Keyword phrase in the “title” tags. Google loves title tags. With your keyword phrase in between these tags your chances skyrocket. If you look at results for any search on Google, the highlighted text is the title tag of the website. 2. Keyword phrase in [h1] tags at the top of the page. Most webpages that occupy the first page for any given search will have their keyword phrase in between the [h1] tags. 3. Image tags. If you have graphics on your site it is imperative to utilize the [alt] and [title] tags in your images. Put your keyword phrase in both these tags with a slight modification for each. 4. Keyword density. Regardless of how much text is on your page, mention your phrase or variations of it only 4-5 times. Do it naturally. It is important to keep the text flowing and appear natural. 5. A Sitemap. Google loves them. Even if your website is purely built for Adsense, include the sitemap. I have even includeda privacy statement page on a few of mine to let Google know it is a genuine, legitimate site. That is 5 basic SEO tips that have worked for me. Try on your site today and monitor the results. You might not be a page one king but watch your site climb the rankings as a result.
Tips On Driving Free Traffic To Your Website
After you are done with designing and uploading your website, you are requiredto drive the traffic to your website. If you want to earn the money with your website, then you need the regular and good number of visitors to your website. If you are planning to palce the Google Ads or want to sell anything on your website, then you need the regular visitors. If your website is getting more and more traffic then there are more and more chances of your income. Usually 1-2% of the visitors of your website become your buyers or click on your ADs. It means that profit earned from your website is directly dependant on the number of regular visitors on yourwebsite. This is why, we have dedicated this section to tell you the secrets and tips to generate the traffic to your website. These articles tell you how to drive the free traffic to your website andit is for both the beginner and advanced users. We hope that you will enjoy these articles and find them useful.
“Is Your Site Defensible?” The 10 Point Quiz. Updated For 2012 part-3
*. 1-3 yes’s : You’re f***ed. Probably better and easier to start a new Web site that has a more defensible idea behind it than to fix the old site. In the meantime the old site can sit as an (indefensible) passive revenue stream. (It may also be a good candidate to unload at Sitepoint.) *. 4-6 yes’s : Your site is like most quality Web sites –you have some defensible traits, but still a Google penalty and Adsense booting (or equivalent) would likely cut your earnings by a very high percentage. Even most quality Web sites are fairlyvulnerable. *. 7-10 yes’s : Congratulations, you don’t just have a Web site, you have a real, saleable business .---------------------------------------- Note: THANKS FOR READ ARTICLE
“Is Your Site Defensible?” The 10 Point Quiz. Updated For 2012 part-2
7. Does your site have some sort of remarkable value? This question is not asking: is your content “unique”? More like, if your site ceased to exist, would the Web as a whole lose something valuable? Would people’s lives be inconvenienced? If the answeris YES, your site is likely to get future citations, links and bookmarks–and further, search engines will have to think longer and harder before banning you or penalizing you, since not ranking your site might make theirresults less useful. 8. Does ‘arbitrage’–CPC, email blasting [Andy means affiliate ads in others' newsletters], affiliates–make up a minority of your promotional efforts ?[Are volatile tactics responsible for aminority of your promotional efforts? Ex.: Spun content, PPC arbitrage, links that will get destroyed with the next algorithm update.] As Brian Provost points out , marketing methods such as these are often unsustainable over time due to increased competition, structural changes, commodization and margin erosion. 9. Do you have a strong network in your niche? Maintaining a friendly relationship with bloggers, stakeholders, and even competitors can be the key to standing back up when you get knocked down. Think about it this way–is a merchant likely to screw you out of money if you can get their bad behavior blogged about by industry leaders? 10. Are you thinking about/working on defensibility? There are many ways to make a site more defensible that I haven’t listed. If you are actively working on it (regardless of what you call it), you deserve a bonus point. Even thinking about defensibility–if you can apply some of the principles in the future–is going to go along way in protecting your future wealth (and pride). “Rate Your Site’s Defensibility Well this wouldn’t be a hokey quiz if youdidn’t rate yourself at the end! Count how many times you said ‘yes’ to the above questions. ------------------- Note: Next for read part-3
“Is Your Site Defensible?” The 10 Point Quiz. Updated For 2012 part 1
“In my experience the natural motivation to preserve wealth and income is even more powerful than thatto increase it. For us SEOs, this means making our sites, rankings, traffic and revenue defensible . “The following quiz is a little cheat sheet to let you know how defensible your site is. (For some, but not all of you, ‘defensible’ is nearly a synonym for ‘Google-proof’.) 1. Does your site rank in more than one search engine? As Google’s share creeps towards 100%, this question becomes less and less realistic… still, there’s a big difference between 6% of organic referrals coming from Y!/MSN, and [that percentage being] 36%. [See also SEO Mythbusters: It's Google vs Bing. It's Really Apple vs eBay vs Fiverr etc. ] 2. Do you get type-in traffic? Whether type-ins occur because of branding and repeat users, or because your domain is keyword.com , is irrelevant. When people navigate directly to yoursite, no search engine penalty in the world can hurt you! 3. Does your site have a significant number of subscribers ? Subscribers can be be to your RSS feed, email newsletter [or Twitter, Facebook , LinkedIn Group updates] or anything really–the point is, you have repeat visitors and don’t depend entirely on transient traffic. 4. Is your revenue diversified? If a single CPC ad provider like Adsense, or even a single merchant, provides a majorityof your site’s revenue, then they certainly have you by the balls. They could cut your payout in half tomorrow without much of an explanation, or they could boot you without appeal or recompense . 5. Do you get bookmarked [shared in social media]? If you’re bookmarked on Delicious [and Stumbleupon] or on people’s browsers, you can count on some repeat visitors and possibly future links. 6. Does your site have citations and linksthat send you traffic ? Maybe SugarRae’s Hall-of-fame post makes sense now . It bears repeating: When people navigate directly to yoursite, no search engine penalty in the world can hurt you! ------------------- Note: Next for read part-2
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Google Adwords - Manipulating Keywords For Success part 2
Phrase match tells the Adwords platform to only show your ad when a search is conducted for the particular order of your keyword phrase. Using the phrase match option for "travel journals", my ad would appear when someone search for a phrase with"travel journals" in it, but not "journals travel". To use phrase match for keyword phrases, you simply place quotation marks around them.
Exact Match
Exact match is…exact match. It is the most targeted option. You should use it only if you want your ad to appear in searches for the exact keyword phrase as written. For instance, if I want my ad to appear in searches for "travel journals" and nothing else, I will use the exact match. To select the exact match option, simply place brackets ("[]") around the keyword phrase.
Negative Match
No, the negative match option doesn't involve cussing, insults or adult sites. Instead, it allows you to designate which keyword phrase search results you do not want your ad to appear in. For example, I may not want my travel journal product to appear in search results for "Amazon travel journals". I would simply list the keyword phrase with a dash (-) in front of it and my ad will not appear. The negative match option is a tremendous option for eliminating junk traffic from your Adwords campaign.
The Google Adwords platform is a tremendous advertising platform. Effectively manipulate your keywords and it can be a highly profitable one as well.
Exact Match
Exact match is…exact match. It is the most targeted option. You should use it only if you want your ad to appear in searches for the exact keyword phrase as written. For instance, if I want my ad to appear in searches for "travel journals" and nothing else, I will use the exact match. To select the exact match option, simply place brackets ("[]") around the keyword phrase.
Negative Match
No, the negative match option doesn't involve cussing, insults or adult sites. Instead, it allows you to designate which keyword phrase search results you do not want your ad to appear in. For example, I may not want my travel journal product to appear in search results for "Amazon travel journals". I would simply list the keyword phrase with a dash (-) in front of it and my ad will not appear. The negative match option is a tremendous option for eliminating junk traffic from your Adwords campaign.
The Google Adwords platform is a tremendous advertising platform. Effectively manipulate your keywords and it can be a highly profitable one as well.
Google Adwords - Manipulating Keywords For Success part 1
As you probably know, Google Adwords is a pay-per-click solution offered by Google. As with other PPCs, you are given the ability to place your small advertisement on various platforms controlled by Google. While the platformprovides you with a large audience, you must manipulate your keywords to generate success.
Matching Options
When running an Adwords campaign, youcan and should define when your keywords will appear in search results. To do this, you can select matching options for each of your keywords to either reach a broad audience or target aniche.
The Google Adwords platform allows you to select four matching options:
Broad Match
Broad match is the default setting for anAdwords campaign. Broad match means your ad will appear in search results when any combination of the words in your keyword phrase search. Many an advertiser has learned expensive lessons using this setting. Let's look at an example.
Assume I am selling travel writing diaries and using "travel journals" as mykeyword phrase. Any time a person enters any combination of "travel" and"journals" in a search, my ad will appear.The ad will also appear for plurals and relevant variations. While this may sound great at first glance, a broad match setting can result in low quality hits and poor conversion rates. A person searching for travel journal stories is going to see my link. While a decent percentage will click my link, they are far less likely to buy because they are just browsing. Using broad match, my costs go up and my conversions go down.
Broad match isn't necessarily a bad option. If your product makes a popular Christmas gift, you definitely want to use the broad match option in November and December. You prospective clients will be motivated to buy. Even the"browsing" surfers will convert well.
Phrase Match
Phrase match is a matching option that gives you a bit more control over your ads.
Matching Options
When running an Adwords campaign, youcan and should define when your keywords will appear in search results. To do this, you can select matching options for each of your keywords to either reach a broad audience or target aniche.
The Google Adwords platform allows you to select four matching options:
Broad Match
Broad match is the default setting for anAdwords campaign. Broad match means your ad will appear in search results when any combination of the words in your keyword phrase search. Many an advertiser has learned expensive lessons using this setting. Let's look at an example.
Assume I am selling travel writing diaries and using "travel journals" as mykeyword phrase. Any time a person enters any combination of "travel" and"journals" in a search, my ad will appear.The ad will also appear for plurals and relevant variations. While this may sound great at first glance, a broad match setting can result in low quality hits and poor conversion rates. A person searching for travel journal stories is going to see my link. While a decent percentage will click my link, they are far less likely to buy because they are just browsing. Using broad match, my costs go up and my conversions go down.
Broad match isn't necessarily a bad option. If your product makes a popular Christmas gift, you definitely want to use the broad match option in November and December. You prospective clients will be motivated to buy. Even the"browsing" surfers will convert well.
Phrase Match
Phrase match is a matching option that gives you a bit more control over your ads.
Lowongan CPNS di LKPP Juli 2012
hal-hal yang perlu diketahui oleh warga negara Indonesia yang berminat untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai Calon pegawai Negeri Sipil di LKPP tahun 2012.Seluruh informasi diatas terkait dengan Lowongan CPNS di LKPP Juli 2012 dapat anda unduh dengan klik link dibawah ini: http://www.lkpp.go.id/v2/files/content/file/13072012170838pengumuman%20cpns%202012.pdf
Sukses Menghadapi Sidang Skripsi part 2
6. Perhatikan bahasa penyampaian
Dalam penyampaian presentasi, gunakanlah bahasa indonesia dengan ejaan yang sudah disempurnakan. Hindari pemilihan kata-kata diluar EYD,seperti kata-kata gaul yang biasa kita gunakan sehari-hari. Hal ini biasanya mempengaruhi penilaian.
7. Perhatikan penampilan
Usahakan penampilan anda rapih dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki. Dengan ini penguji pun akan merasa nyaman dengan anda.
8. Persiapkan perangkat pendukung
Gak lucu kan kalo di tengah2 presentasilaptop kita tiba2 mati? Atau infocus gakmenampilkan gambar? Sebaiknya persiapkan perangkat pendukung presentasi sebelum anda presentasi. Cek dan ricek dan pastikan semua perangkatnya berjalan sebagaimana mestinya.
9. Pahami gaya setiap penguji
Bertanyalah pada kakak2 tingkat yang sudah pernah menghadapi sidang. Tanyakan gaya penguji yang akan menjadi penguji anda. Setiap penguji pasti mempunyai gaya tersendiri dalampemahaman materi dan dalam memberikan pertanyaan. Pastikan andamemahami karakter setiap penguji anda. Hal ini membantu untuk persiapan nanti dalam menjawab pertanyaan penguji.
10. Banyak berdoa
Jangan lupakan hal yang satu ini. Berdoalah agar diberi kelancaran dalam menghadapi sidang. Berusahalahsebaik mungkin dan serahkan semuanya kepada Tuhan…
Semoga tips-tips diatas bisa bermanfaat khususnya bagi yang akan menghadapi sidang. Good Luck!!
Dalam penyampaian presentasi, gunakanlah bahasa indonesia dengan ejaan yang sudah disempurnakan. Hindari pemilihan kata-kata diluar EYD,seperti kata-kata gaul yang biasa kita gunakan sehari-hari. Hal ini biasanya mempengaruhi penilaian.
7. Perhatikan penampilan
Usahakan penampilan anda rapih dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki. Dengan ini penguji pun akan merasa nyaman dengan anda.
8. Persiapkan perangkat pendukung
Gak lucu kan kalo di tengah2 presentasilaptop kita tiba2 mati? Atau infocus gakmenampilkan gambar? Sebaiknya persiapkan perangkat pendukung presentasi sebelum anda presentasi. Cek dan ricek dan pastikan semua perangkatnya berjalan sebagaimana mestinya.
9. Pahami gaya setiap penguji
Bertanyalah pada kakak2 tingkat yang sudah pernah menghadapi sidang. Tanyakan gaya penguji yang akan menjadi penguji anda. Setiap penguji pasti mempunyai gaya tersendiri dalampemahaman materi dan dalam memberikan pertanyaan. Pastikan andamemahami karakter setiap penguji anda. Hal ini membantu untuk persiapan nanti dalam menjawab pertanyaan penguji.
10. Banyak berdoa
Jangan lupakan hal yang satu ini. Berdoalah agar diberi kelancaran dalam menghadapi sidang. Berusahalahsebaik mungkin dan serahkan semuanya kepada Tuhan…
Semoga tips-tips diatas bisa bermanfaat khususnya bagi yang akan menghadapi sidang. Good Luck!!
Sukses Menghadapi Sidang Skripsi part 1
Jika anda mahasiswa/i tingkat akhir, mungkin tidak lama lagi akan menghadapi sidang skripsi/kerja praktek/yang lainnya. Dan biasanya halini yang paling ditakutkan. Sesaat si mahasiswa akan terkena sindrom sidangisme. Perut mules, pengen minum terus, keringat dingin keluar, gak enak duduk, panik, resah, gelisah dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.Sebenarnya gak ada yang perlu ditakutkan untuk menghadapi sidang. Asalkan kita punya persiapan yang cukup matang. Berikut ada sedikit tips untuk menghadapi presentasi sidang.
1. Kuasai materi presentasi
Ini hal yang paling penting, dengan menguasai materi yang akan di presentasikan setidaknya anda sudah setengah jalan menghadapi sidang. Daribab awal sampai bab akhir, anda harus paham. Gak perlu dihapal, minimal anda mengerti alur dari bab bab tersebut.
2. Tenang
Namun hal inilah yang biasanya sulit dilakukan. Seperti itu tadi, biasanya si mahasiswa terkena sindrom sidangismesesaat sebelum presentasi sidang. Tapi jika anda sudah memenuhi poin 1, yaitu menguasai materi presentasi, anda pasti bisa tenang pada waktu presentasi.
3. Gunakan poin untuk bahan presentasi
Usahakan dalam slide presentasi tidak ada kalimat-kalimat yang terlalu panjang. Buatlah poin-poin penting dari setiap materi presentasi sebagai bahan yang akan dipresentasikan, sehingga anda tidak membaca slide presentasi tapi menjelaskan dari poin-poin tersebut.
4. Perhatikan waktu
Jangan keenakan ngomong terus tanpa ingat waktu. Perhatikan waktu yang diberikan, biasanya diberikan waktu 20-30 menit oleh penguji untuk mempresentasikan laporan anda . Gunakan waktu tersebut seefektif mungkin. Jangan terlalu cepat dan jangan juga terlalu lama.
5. Kontrol suara
Usahakan suara anda jangan terlalu keras dan juga terlalu pelan. Perhatikan kondisi ruangan, jika ruangan sidang besar, kondisikan suara anda agar terdengar oleh penguji. Begitu juga jika ruangan sidang kecil, pastikan penguji dapat mendengar suara anda dengan jelas.
selanjutnya di part 2
1. Kuasai materi presentasi
Ini hal yang paling penting, dengan menguasai materi yang akan di presentasikan setidaknya anda sudah setengah jalan menghadapi sidang. Daribab awal sampai bab akhir, anda harus paham. Gak perlu dihapal, minimal anda mengerti alur dari bab bab tersebut.
2. Tenang
Namun hal inilah yang biasanya sulit dilakukan. Seperti itu tadi, biasanya si mahasiswa terkena sindrom sidangismesesaat sebelum presentasi sidang. Tapi jika anda sudah memenuhi poin 1, yaitu menguasai materi presentasi, anda pasti bisa tenang pada waktu presentasi.
3. Gunakan poin untuk bahan presentasi
Usahakan dalam slide presentasi tidak ada kalimat-kalimat yang terlalu panjang. Buatlah poin-poin penting dari setiap materi presentasi sebagai bahan yang akan dipresentasikan, sehingga anda tidak membaca slide presentasi tapi menjelaskan dari poin-poin tersebut.
4. Perhatikan waktu
Jangan keenakan ngomong terus tanpa ingat waktu. Perhatikan waktu yang diberikan, biasanya diberikan waktu 20-30 menit oleh penguji untuk mempresentasikan laporan anda . Gunakan waktu tersebut seefektif mungkin. Jangan terlalu cepat dan jangan juga terlalu lama.
5. Kontrol suara
Usahakan suara anda jangan terlalu keras dan juga terlalu pelan. Perhatikan kondisi ruangan, jika ruangan sidang besar, kondisikan suara anda agar terdengar oleh penguji. Begitu juga jika ruangan sidang kecil, pastikan penguji dapat mendengar suara anda dengan jelas.
selanjutnya di part 2
Friday, July 27, 2012
Inspirational 'Daily Word' Now Available Online
What's in a word? Inspiration. Peace. Tranquility. Comfort. Harmony. Inner peace. Hope. Guidance.
Since its beginnings in 1924, the venerable Daily Word magazine from Unity has offered spiritual enrichment topeople of all faiths. Daily Word now has the distinction of being the oldest continually published daily inspirational magazine in the nation. It is published in seven languages and mailed to more than 1 million readers in 175 countries.
Unity is a trans-denominational organization based in Missouri whose goal is to help people apply positive spiritual principles to their daily lives.
In the 1960s, Unity began airing "The Word," televised readings of spiritual messages performed by celebrities. They continued through 1992. Today, Daily Word has established a presence ina new medium: the Internet.
"Our goal is to make the Daily Word message conveniently available to as many people as possible, at any time of day or night," said Tim Ipema, vice president of marketing and developmentfor Unity. "Our research has shown that more and more people are turning to theInternet to gain spiritual enrichment, andwe feel it's important for us to be where the spiritual-seekers are."
The new Web site, offers a variety of unique features and services, where members can:
* Read the Daily Word message online.
* Share thoughts and feelings about the daily messages with other members at the Daily Cafe, the site's forum.
* Search thousands of messages and articles in the Daily Word archives.
* Sign up for free e-mail delivery of Daily Word.
"With the Daily Cafe, we've created an online environment where Daily Word readers can exchange ideas about spirituality, faith and the human condition," Ipema said. "We consider it anonline community, a virtual gathering place, in which users can nurture and enrich one another in the realm of spirituality."
Since its beginnings in 1924, the venerable Daily Word magazine from Unity has offered spiritual enrichment topeople of all faiths. Daily Word now has the distinction of being the oldest continually published daily inspirational magazine in the nation. It is published in seven languages and mailed to more than 1 million readers in 175 countries.
Unity is a trans-denominational organization based in Missouri whose goal is to help people apply positive spiritual principles to their daily lives.
In the 1960s, Unity began airing "The Word," televised readings of spiritual messages performed by celebrities. They continued through 1992. Today, Daily Word has established a presence ina new medium: the Internet.
"Our goal is to make the Daily Word message conveniently available to as many people as possible, at any time of day or night," said Tim Ipema, vice president of marketing and developmentfor Unity. "Our research has shown that more and more people are turning to theInternet to gain spiritual enrichment, andwe feel it's important for us to be where the spiritual-seekers are."
The new Web site, offers a variety of unique features and services, where members can:
* Read the Daily Word message online.
* Share thoughts and feelings about the daily messages with other members at the Daily Cafe, the site's forum.
* Search thousands of messages and articles in the Daily Word archives.
* Sign up for free e-mail delivery of Daily Word.
"With the Daily Cafe, we've created an online environment where Daily Word readers can exchange ideas about spirituality, faith and the human condition," Ipema said. "We consider it anonline community, a virtual gathering place, in which users can nurture and enrich one another in the realm of spirituality."
Sports Betting Affiliate Commissions: Earning Passive Income Online 2
Others may note that whilst bookmakers may win a high percentage of times, they can't win every time, therefore making ita slightly rocky industry of ups and downs. It is true that bookmakers can lose as well as win, which will no doubt affect the amount of revenue an affiliate makes. However most programsprotect the affiliates from this potential downfall, simply by implementing a stopthat does not allow an affiliate to earn a negative balance. With payments comingover a period of a fortnight or a month, this gives sports betting affiliate programs the chance to accurately judgethe overall success of an affiliates customers. The worst thing that can happen to an affiliate is to receive no money, therefore if an affiliate doesn't make any money the onus is on them to attract more players to increase their revenue sources, which in turn favours the sports betting site. There is no guaranteed pathway to affiliate success,but joining the sports betting program can certainly increase ones chances of earning a substantial wage.
Sports Betting Affiliate Commissions: Earning Passive Income Online 1
When big industries and the common man collide, there is usually only one financial winner. However in the online world of opportunity, there are chances to turn this tide and to even start makingmoney off of the backs of the large industry. Affiliate programs offer Internet users the chance to earn money by hosting advertising for specific companies or industries. However the online sports betting industry have comeup with another marketing strategy, which is as unique as it is lucrative. Rather than simply giving away a few dollars for a new customer or a small percentage of a sale, like so many of theother programs, sports betting provides a percentage of each players lifetime revenue generated. So an affiliate can earn money just by attracting one or more players, through links on their sites. It sounds simple, because it is.
There are no strings, no hidden charges and no customers to worry about. The affiliate program is a fully automated and highly successful way for big online sites, including the giants of the sports betting world, to spread their brand and encourage new custom. Because of the success of affiliate marketing, sports betting sites and affiliate programs do not charge or discriminate between people who are and are not able to host an advertising package. The more people that join, the greater their potential sphere of influence can grow, with more influence the betting sites canhopefully encourage more customers. For their part, affiliates are given the carrot of a lucrative percentage of each player that they can persuade to join an external site. The more customers, the more money an affiliate can earn. There are no caps, no limits, just those that an affiliate imposes on themselves
But for those cynical people, who just can't believe that there must be a catch, there is not. Affiliates are masters of their own destiny, whilst hard work and a little investment can go a long way, they are by no means essential.
There are no strings, no hidden charges and no customers to worry about. The affiliate program is a fully automated and highly successful way for big online sites, including the giants of the sports betting world, to spread their brand and encourage new custom. Because of the success of affiliate marketing, sports betting sites and affiliate programs do not charge or discriminate between people who are and are not able to host an advertising package. The more people that join, the greater their potential sphere of influence can grow, with more influence the betting sites canhopefully encourage more customers. For their part, affiliates are given the carrot of a lucrative percentage of each player that they can persuade to join an external site. The more customers, the more money an affiliate can earn. There are no caps, no limits, just those that an affiliate imposes on themselves
But for those cynical people, who just can't believe that there must be a catch, there is not. Affiliates are masters of their own destiny, whilst hard work and a little investment can go a long way, they are by no means essential.
Want to Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Markets? 2
Things will only have to get better from there because you already have been in worst situations
Try this out. If you are quite happy and satisfied with your web host, try to see ifthey are offering an affiliate program you can participate on. Instead of you paying them, why not make it the other way around; them paying you. The process can be as easy as putting a small "powered by" or "hosted by" link at the bottom of your page and you are already in an affiliate business.
With the many hosts offering affiliate programs, there is the tendency to find the one which you think will work best for you. Think of the product you will be promoting. Pattern them to the site and see if they are catering to the same things as you are.
Why choose paying for your for your webhosting when you do not have to? Try to get paid by letting people know you like your web host.
Always remember that when choosing a web host, choose the one that is known for its fantastic customer support. Thereare also many hosting affiliate programs. Residual affiliate program is also being hosted. This is the program wherein you get paid a percentage everymonth for a client that you refer. This can allow you to have a steady source ofincome. With perseverance, you can even be quite successful in this field.
Web hosting is just one affiliate market you could try out and make some good and continuous income. Just remember that to be successful on your endeavor also means that time, effort and patience is needed.
Nobody has invented the perfect affiliate market yet. But some people doknow how to make it big in this kind of market. It is just knowing your kind of market and making the earnings there.
There are a lot of niche markets out there just waiting for the right affiliate to penetrate to them and make that dollars dream come true. Knowing whichone to get into is being confident enough of your potentials and the good results you will be getting.
Try this out. If you are quite happy and satisfied with your web host, try to see ifthey are offering an affiliate program you can participate on. Instead of you paying them, why not make it the other way around; them paying you. The process can be as easy as putting a small "powered by" or "hosted by" link at the bottom of your page and you are already in an affiliate business.
With the many hosts offering affiliate programs, there is the tendency to find the one which you think will work best for you. Think of the product you will be promoting. Pattern them to the site and see if they are catering to the same things as you are.
Why choose paying for your for your webhosting when you do not have to? Try to get paid by letting people know you like your web host.
Always remember that when choosing a web host, choose the one that is known for its fantastic customer support. Thereare also many hosting affiliate programs. Residual affiliate program is also being hosted. This is the program wherein you get paid a percentage everymonth for a client that you refer. This can allow you to have a steady source ofincome. With perseverance, you can even be quite successful in this field.
Web hosting is just one affiliate market you could try out and make some good and continuous income. Just remember that to be successful on your endeavor also means that time, effort and patience is needed.
Nobody has invented the perfect affiliate market yet. But some people doknow how to make it big in this kind of market. It is just knowing your kind of market and making the earnings there.
There are a lot of niche markets out there just waiting for the right affiliate to penetrate to them and make that dollars dream come true. Knowing whichone to get into is being confident enough of your potentials and the good results you will be getting.
Want to Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Markets? 1
38 million people have put up their very first websites online this year 2005 alone. It is estimated that by 2008, the internet sales industry will top then dollar bank. And to think, majority of those sites will be offering different affiliate programs for people to choose and participate into.
This only means one thing. It is easier now to find the right web host for your application. The possibility of quality web hosting companies separating themselves from the rest of the industryis anticipated. If this is done, the unprofessional and incompetent ones will suffer.
Support will be the number one consideration for people when choosing a web host. It will be obvious that traditional advertising will become less and less effective. Most people would rather opt for the web host based on things that they see and hear. Also based on the recommendations by those who have tried them and have proved to be a successful.
Over the past years, web hosting has grown bigger than it used to be. With more companies getting into this business and finding the many benefits itcan give them, the demand for web hosting has never been higher. These seem to be the trend of today.
This is a great opportunity for web hosting affiliates and resellers alike. There would hundreds of web hosting and programs to choose from that the difficulty in finding the right one for them is not a problem anymore.
How does one become a successful affiliate in the niche markets using web hosting?
If you think about it, everyone who needs a website needs a web hosting company to host it for them. As of now, there is really no leading hosting industry so most people choose hosts based from recommendations. Usually, they get it from the ones that have already availed of a web hosting services.
When you have been with one host for quite some time and seem not to be making much despite all your effort, leave that one and look for another. There is no use in trying to stick to one when you would be before off in anotherone.
Next Read Part 2
This only means one thing. It is easier now to find the right web host for your application. The possibility of quality web hosting companies separating themselves from the rest of the industryis anticipated. If this is done, the unprofessional and incompetent ones will suffer.
Support will be the number one consideration for people when choosing a web host. It will be obvious that traditional advertising will become less and less effective. Most people would rather opt for the web host based on things that they see and hear. Also based on the recommendations by those who have tried them and have proved to be a successful.
Over the past years, web hosting has grown bigger than it used to be. With more companies getting into this business and finding the many benefits itcan give them, the demand for web hosting has never been higher. These seem to be the trend of today.
This is a great opportunity for web hosting affiliates and resellers alike. There would hundreds of web hosting and programs to choose from that the difficulty in finding the right one for them is not a problem anymore.
How does one become a successful affiliate in the niche markets using web hosting?
If you think about it, everyone who needs a website needs a web hosting company to host it for them. As of now, there is really no leading hosting industry so most people choose hosts based from recommendations. Usually, they get it from the ones that have already availed of a web hosting services.
When you have been with one host for quite some time and seem not to be making much despite all your effort, leave that one and look for another. There is no use in trying to stick to one when you would be before off in anotherone.
Next Read Part 2
How To Design Your Website For Optimal Productivity 3
For standard text, use font sizes of at least 10 pt... 12 pt is better. On many a web site, font sizes of 8 pt or less are used, perhaps in an effort to avoid the need to scroll. Let me tell you... it's much better to scroll than to squint. For when I squint, I usually stroll...right out of the site. It's also a good practice to limit the use of italics as theytoo are harder to read. Lastly, pay attention to text and background color. Although white text on a black background looks cool at first glance, it can quickly strain the eyes. You don't want to do anything that will cut your visitor's journey through your business web site..
Whenever possible, limit page lengths tono more than two page-downs. It is better for performance (page loading) and visitor attention when pages are short, quick reads. If necessary, breakup your text into multiple pages, with a 'continued' designation at the bottom of each page.
There you go. Eight simple, yet essential,web site design principles that can spell the difference between online business success or failure. Always remember, you're never more than one-click away from visitor abandonment. K.I.S.S. your website and it will reward you abundantly.
Alan Richardson is a well-known internet consultant and publisher with http://www.optimalwebservices.com- aWeb resource firm in North Easton, Massachusetts, offering free advice and information for web-based small businesses and entrpreneurs.
Good job guys!
Whenever possible, limit page lengths tono more than two page-downs. It is better for performance (page loading) and visitor attention when pages are short, quick reads. If necessary, breakup your text into multiple pages, with a 'continued' designation at the bottom of each page.
There you go. Eight simple, yet essential,web site design principles that can spell the difference between online business success or failure. Always remember, you're never more than one-click away from visitor abandonment. K.I.S.S. your website and it will reward you abundantly.
Alan Richardson is a well-known internet consultant and publisher with http://www.optimalwebservices.com- aWeb resource firm in North Easton, Massachusetts, offering free advice and information for web-based small businesses and entrpreneurs.
Good job guys!
How To Design Your Website For Optimal Productivity 2
Whether it's to elicit feedback, provide feedback, promote your company, present product information, etc., all play a role in your ultimate goal of growing your business.
Navigation around and through your business web site must be clearly visibleand easy to use. See my article on web site navigation for more details.
Avoid distraction and clutter by minimizing usage of fancy flashing and moving objects, which provide more sizzle than steak, and make your essential products or services harder to find.
All business websites should have contact information clearly visible. A 'Contact' page is minimum. It's also advisable to include contact information on every page of your web site. You never know when the urge to turn from prospect to customer will strike your visitor. <
Not everyone has broadband. Yes, there are still a fair number of users surfing the internet with slower, less efficient, dial-up access. That may change in the future, but it's a reality today. Ignore thissubstantial customer base and you're business will surely suffer. To avoid this pitfall, pay careful attention to eliminateinternet-clogging elements on your web site. When possible, use text instead of graphics, static graphics instead of animation, several smaller pages instead of one large page. Do this and you can feed quite well on the desertions from your flashier competitors.
For those who are broadband users, who are not negatively effected by all those 'bells and whistles', who may actually enjoy such an impressive display, remember, 'form follows function'. This is especially important on a business web site, where functionality is key. All else is fluff and distraction.
For those of us who may be 'visually challenged, make sure your web site is easy to see. Avoid fancy fonts and use the more legible standard-bearers, such as Times New Roman, Courier New, Arial and Verdana.
Navigation around and through your business web site must be clearly visibleand easy to use. See my article on web site navigation for more details.
Avoid distraction and clutter by minimizing usage of fancy flashing and moving objects, which provide more sizzle than steak, and make your essential products or services harder to find.
All business websites should have contact information clearly visible. A 'Contact' page is minimum. It's also advisable to include contact information on every page of your web site. You never know when the urge to turn from prospect to customer will strike your visitor. <
Not everyone has broadband. Yes, there are still a fair number of users surfing the internet with slower, less efficient, dial-up access. That may change in the future, but it's a reality today. Ignore thissubstantial customer base and you're business will surely suffer. To avoid this pitfall, pay careful attention to eliminateinternet-clogging elements on your web site. When possible, use text instead of graphics, static graphics instead of animation, several smaller pages instead of one large page. Do this and you can feed quite well on the desertions from your flashier competitors.
For those who are broadband users, who are not negatively effected by all those 'bells and whistles', who may actually enjoy such an impressive display, remember, 'form follows function'. This is especially important on a business web site, where functionality is key. All else is fluff and distraction.
For those of us who may be 'visually challenged, make sure your web site is easy to see. Avoid fancy fonts and use the more legible standard-bearers, such as Times New Roman, Courier New, Arial and Verdana.
How To Design Your Website For Optimal Productivity 1
What works best when promoting your web site.
Eight Simple, Yet Essential, Web Design Principles
by: Alan Richardson
As the internet evolves from its infancy into maturity, website development, design and marketing becomes more andmore sophisticated - and more and morecomplex. Content manipulation, various scripting methods, fancy graphics and effects... and on and on... allow us to create some impressive web sites.
A good gauge of this complexity is the a slew of new internet-related acronyms which popup on a consistent basis. Heck, I don't know what half of them mean. But one acronym I do know - and it's not an internet creation - is nevertheless key to the development and design of any successful business website. Perhaps you've heard of it - K.I.S.S. As you probably know, it stands for 'Keep It Simple, Stupid!'. And it's a methodology widely employed by the best web developers, designers and marketers in the business. A philosophy that provides the foundation for all successful revenue-generating web sites.
From the largest, multi-product online business conglomerate to the one-page one-product mini-site, the purpose is thesame. Provide visitors, whether internet savvy or first time surfers, with an online experience that's fast, efficient, easy to understand - and dare I say it... yes, enjoyable.
Whether your an entrepreneur building your own web site, or reviewing one builtfor you by a web development and design expert, it is important your web site, your online business, adheres to these eight simple, yet essential, design principles. Heed them, and online success is sure to follow. Ignore them, atyour peril. Here they are.
Each web page must have a purpose - and that purpose must be clearly stated.While a consistent design 'look and feel' is vital across all pages of your web site, each page has a specific function to perform. And that function should be clearly understood by all visitors to yourweb site.
Eight Simple, Yet Essential, Web Design Principles
by: Alan Richardson
As the internet evolves from its infancy into maturity, website development, design and marketing becomes more andmore sophisticated - and more and morecomplex. Content manipulation, various scripting methods, fancy graphics and effects... and on and on... allow us to create some impressive web sites.
A good gauge of this complexity is the a slew of new internet-related acronyms which popup on a consistent basis. Heck, I don't know what half of them mean. But one acronym I do know - and it's not an internet creation - is nevertheless key to the development and design of any successful business website. Perhaps you've heard of it - K.I.S.S. As you probably know, it stands for 'Keep It Simple, Stupid!'. And it's a methodology widely employed by the best web developers, designers and marketers in the business. A philosophy that provides the foundation for all successful revenue-generating web sites.
From the largest, multi-product online business conglomerate to the one-page one-product mini-site, the purpose is thesame. Provide visitors, whether internet savvy or first time surfers, with an online experience that's fast, efficient, easy to understand - and dare I say it... yes, enjoyable.
Whether your an entrepreneur building your own web site, or reviewing one builtfor you by a web development and design expert, it is important your web site, your online business, adheres to these eight simple, yet essential, design principles. Heed them, and online success is sure to follow. Ignore them, atyour peril. Here they are.
Each web page must have a purpose - and that purpose must be clearly stated.While a consistent design 'look and feel' is vital across all pages of your web site, each page has a specific function to perform. And that function should be clearly understood by all visitors to yourweb site.
One of the best opportunities to generate free traffic - Your websiteis shown to others!
Hit Exchanges offer one of the best opportunities to generate free traffic, and most importantly, ongoing traffic to your website. It works when you consistently click for credits by viewing other websites. In exchange, you websiteis shown to others.
However, the real benefit with exchanges is the traffic you earn from referring others. Viral marketing - multiplying over and over again.
The key to making Hit Exchanges work for you is referring others. Hit Exchangeswill greatly reward you for referring others, especially active members.
MegaTraffic.org, a leader in this industry, offers you the convenience of promoting just one website in order to build downlines in all of the top ranked Hit Exchanges.
First, join and use each of the Hit Exchanges on a daily basis. We recommend earning a minimum of 50 hits from each of the exchanges. Using a multi-tab browser, like Avant, this can easily be done in less than an hours time.Serious marketers will often surf Hit Exchanges three or more hours everyday. If using a multi-tab browser and a reasonable Internet connection, you should be able to earn upwards of a thousand hits a day. It is just a matter of time before it all works for you.
How valuable is ten-thousand daily hits to your website? We are talking about a level of traffic that occurs everyday. No junk traffic. No pop-up traffic. No auto-surfing traffic. I can tell you from experience, ten-thousand daily hits is extremely valuable. And, from experience, top marketers can achieve this level within a few months or less.
However, the real benefit with exchanges is the traffic you earn from referring others. Viral marketing - multiplying over and over again.
The key to making Hit Exchanges work for you is referring others. Hit Exchangeswill greatly reward you for referring others, especially active members.
MegaTraffic.org, a leader in this industry, offers you the convenience of promoting just one website in order to build downlines in all of the top ranked Hit Exchanges.
First, join and use each of the Hit Exchanges on a daily basis. We recommend earning a minimum of 50 hits from each of the exchanges. Using a multi-tab browser, like Avant, this can easily be done in less than an hours time.Serious marketers will often surf Hit Exchanges three or more hours everyday. If using a multi-tab browser and a reasonable Internet connection, you should be able to earn upwards of a thousand hits a day. It is just a matter of time before it all works for you.
How valuable is ten-thousand daily hits to your website? We are talking about a level of traffic that occurs everyday. No junk traffic. No pop-up traffic. No auto-surfing traffic. I can tell you from experience, ten-thousand daily hits is extremely valuable. And, from experience, top marketers can achieve this level within a few months or less.
Cost Per Click Bid Management
What do you mean by Pay per click (PPC) Search engine marketing? When you ask a Internet surfer about cost per click search engines they view it as a search engine where you search for information. But when you ask the same question to a person who runs paid inclusion in search engines it is an inexpensive way to drive targeted trafficto their website.
This is how Pay per click works, if any one wants to bid on keyword in search engines for their website they open an account with these search engines whichneeds some amount as deposit to start with. After creating the account with search engine the next step is to enter the URL of the website, a creative Title, and a description and bid on keywords. The keywords are identified and researched carefully before bidding. So every marketer chooses the right keyword to target.
So when a visitor searches for a certain keyword for example "shoes" the information you had given appears in thesponsored links of that search engines. Sometimes your website would be displayed above all the organic listing in the search. So in that way you website is found by the visitor who is intending to buy "shoes".
Major PPC search engines?
There are numerous search engines out there but the top ones are Google Adwords, Overture and Findwhat how has got a major share in the PPC search engine market.
Initial investment for starting a PPC Campaign - There is nothing like minimum investment expect some amount for activating your account you can start the campaign for which ever amount you want even with Dollar Five. And the price of your keyword can be decided by yourself. Also you can adjust the price of the keyword according to your requirements. If the keyword you have picked doesn't gets your enough satisfaction you can drop it and pick a new work which works for you.
The bottom-line is Bidding the right keyword for you PPC campaign is key fora successful pay per click search engine marketing.
This is how Pay per click works, if any one wants to bid on keyword in search engines for their website they open an account with these search engines whichneeds some amount as deposit to start with. After creating the account with search engine the next step is to enter the URL of the website, a creative Title, and a description and bid on keywords. The keywords are identified and researched carefully before bidding. So every marketer chooses the right keyword to target.
So when a visitor searches for a certain keyword for example "shoes" the information you had given appears in thesponsored links of that search engines. Sometimes your website would be displayed above all the organic listing in the search. So in that way you website is found by the visitor who is intending to buy "shoes".
Major PPC search engines?
There are numerous search engines out there but the top ones are Google Adwords, Overture and Findwhat how has got a major share in the PPC search engine market.
Initial investment for starting a PPC Campaign - There is nothing like minimum investment expect some amount for activating your account you can start the campaign for which ever amount you want even with Dollar Five. And the price of your keyword can be decided by yourself. Also you can adjust the price of the keyword according to your requirements. If the keyword you have picked doesn't gets your enough satisfaction you can drop it and pick a new work which works for you.
The bottom-line is Bidding the right keyword for you PPC campaign is key fora successful pay per click search engine marketing.
Combing The Power Of Google Adsense And Email Marketing 2
To do this, you should include do the following:
· Place the article on the web page
· Ad all three Adsense blocks in prominent places
· Make sure that the ad blocks look like standard text, with the no borders and blue links
· If you have to have other links on this page, include them at the bottom where there is a less chance of being clicked on
After designing your web pages, you need to create an autoresponder sequence for your email list. The primary focus for each email is to get people to click on your Google Adsense pages. So it is important to create and intriguing title. Then in the email, write alittle bit about the importance of the article and tell your subscribers how they can learn more by clicking over to the site.
Once you've created your sequence of bringing readers to your Adsense pages, you should start promoting your lists. You can do this by articles, PPC, ebooks, viral marketing and SEO. The more people usually means more money, so you have to continuously work at marketing your website.
Once you have finished creating your Adsense and email system, you should go back and continue to add more content and market your site. By having a large selection of information and more readers, you'll discover that your Google Adsense income will grow exponentially.
Please read part 1
· Place the article on the web page
· Ad all three Adsense blocks in prominent places
· Make sure that the ad blocks look like standard text, with the no borders and blue links
· If you have to have other links on this page, include them at the bottom where there is a less chance of being clicked on
After designing your web pages, you need to create an autoresponder sequence for your email list. The primary focus for each email is to get people to click on your Google Adsense pages. So it is important to create and intriguing title. Then in the email, write alittle bit about the importance of the article and tell your subscribers how they can learn more by clicking over to the site.
Once you've created your sequence of bringing readers to your Adsense pages, you should start promoting your lists. You can do this by articles, PPC, ebooks, viral marketing and SEO. The more people usually means more money, so you have to continuously work at marketing your website.
Once you have finished creating your Adsense and email system, you should go back and continue to add more content and market your site. By having a large selection of information and more readers, you'll discover that your Google Adsense income will grow exponentially.
Please read part 1
Combing The Power Of Google Adsense And Email Marketing 1
In the past year, Google Adsense has become the "It" way to make money on the Internet.
But even if you already use Google Adsense on your site, you are probably leaving money on the table. Let me explain why…
Most people create a site, slap some content and then wait for people to click on their ads.
But once people click on an ad, they are gone….probably forever!
One method that smart Internet marketers use to maximize their Google Adsense is to harness the power of their email list. By getting people to subscribeto their list, website owners can continueto make money from their readers.
By utilizing the power of their email list, website owners can dramatically increase their Adsense income.
Here is how you can do the same. In the following article, there is a step-by-steplist of how you can harness the power of your list to create a steady stream of Adsense revenue.
The first step is to create a topic that is in high demand. A good topic would be something that people have an interest in, or information that can help your readers personally or financially.
Your next action would be to create content for your site. The idea is to writeor use information that would provide value to the reader. All your articles should help improve their life in some manner. You can create content for your site in a large numbers of ways. This can include:
· Your own web articles
· Guides, product evaluations, and "How To's"
· Blogs and RSS Feeds
· Public domain works
· Private label rights
· Hiring a freelancer to write your content
Obviously creating content for your site is an ongoing process, so once you've created at least 10 pages of quality information for your readers, you should create your web pages and optimize them for Google Adsense
As you are designing your pages for Adsense, you should keep one thing in mind- Your primary goal is to get people to click on your Adsense ads.
So don't give your readers too many options. As a result, it is important to keep your web page simple.
But even if you already use Google Adsense on your site, you are probably leaving money on the table. Let me explain why…
Most people create a site, slap some content and then wait for people to click on their ads.
But once people click on an ad, they are gone….probably forever!
One method that smart Internet marketers use to maximize their Google Adsense is to harness the power of their email list. By getting people to subscribeto their list, website owners can continueto make money from their readers.
By utilizing the power of their email list, website owners can dramatically increase their Adsense income.
Here is how you can do the same. In the following article, there is a step-by-steplist of how you can harness the power of your list to create a steady stream of Adsense revenue.
The first step is to create a topic that is in high demand. A good topic would be something that people have an interest in, or information that can help your readers personally or financially.
Your next action would be to create content for your site. The idea is to writeor use information that would provide value to the reader. All your articles should help improve their life in some manner. You can create content for your site in a large numbers of ways. This can include:
· Your own web articles
· Guides, product evaluations, and "How To's"
· Blogs and RSS Feeds
· Public domain works
· Private label rights
· Hiring a freelancer to write your content
Obviously creating content for your site is an ongoing process, so once you've created at least 10 pages of quality information for your readers, you should create your web pages and optimize them for Google Adsense
As you are designing your pages for Adsense, you should keep one thing in mind- Your primary goal is to get people to click on your Adsense ads.
So don't give your readers too many options. As a result, it is important to keep your web page simple.
Monitoring RSS Feeds 3
FeedBurner - FeedBurner offers a full range of services to help you build awareness, track circulation, and implement revenue-generating programs in your feed(s).
Each individual using RSS needs to make a decision of the extent and importance of the analytics they require. Realizing that any system they employ is not going to be perfect.
Read Part 1 and 2
Thank you for reading thisarticle.
FeedBurner - FeedBurner offers a full range of services to help you build awareness, track circulation, and implement revenue-generating programs in your feed(s).
Each individual using RSS needs to make a decision of the extent and importance of the analytics they require. Realizing that any system they employ is not going to be perfect.
Read Part 1 and 2
Thank you for reading thisarticle.
Monitoring RSS Feeds 2
Some publishers, who were concerned about lock-in or wanted to retain controlof the domain and feed urls often resist a hosting service. The new program FeedBurner Partner Pro is not free, but allows for users to point to their own domain, retaining complete control of their feeds without sacrificing statistical tracking.<
The downside to using a service like FeedBurner is that some filtering applications used on corporate proxy servers block feeds residing on FeedBurner or other free hosts.
Companies like SyndicateIQ have more complex tracking solutions that generate unique urls for each subscriber.The tracking benefits to such a customized solution is obvious. Individualuser habits can be monitored and any users abusing their access and inappropriately syndicating a feeds content can have their feed turned off. The downside of course is that the success of RSS is in a large part due to the anonymity. Users don't want their personal habits tracked.
Considering the venture capital interest in these 3rd party hosting services. It is important to note that their value is in the data that they collect. As with any 3rd party service, it goes without saying that publishers should read the privacy policy carefully, be aware of who owns the rights to the collected information, and how that information might be used. It goes without saying that the value in many of the free services currently available lies in their aggregate data.
Uniquely Named Transparent Images
Uniquely named transparent 1x1 graphics can be added to the description field of an RSS feed. Users can use standard web logs to see the number of times the image is viewed and determinethe number of times the feed was accessed.
Companies Specializing in Tracking and RSS Metrics
Pheedo - Pheedo creates tools that enable individuals, organizations and corporations to promote, analyze, and optimize their weblogs and content.
SyndicateIQ - SyndicateIQ's position in the content distribution chain provides clients a set of analytics.
The downside to using a service like FeedBurner is that some filtering applications used on corporate proxy servers block feeds residing on FeedBurner or other free hosts.
Companies like SyndicateIQ have more complex tracking solutions that generate unique urls for each subscriber.The tracking benefits to such a customized solution is obvious. Individualuser habits can be monitored and any users abusing their access and inappropriately syndicating a feeds content can have their feed turned off. The downside of course is that the success of RSS is in a large part due to the anonymity. Users don't want their personal habits tracked.
Considering the venture capital interest in these 3rd party hosting services. It is important to note that their value is in the data that they collect. As with any 3rd party service, it goes without saying that publishers should read the privacy policy carefully, be aware of who owns the rights to the collected information, and how that information might be used. It goes without saying that the value in many of the free services currently available lies in their aggregate data.
Uniquely Named Transparent Images
Uniquely named transparent 1x1 graphics can be added to the description field of an RSS feed. Users can use standard web logs to see the number of times the image is viewed and determinethe number of times the feed was accessed.
Companies Specializing in Tracking and RSS Metrics
Pheedo - Pheedo creates tools that enable individuals, organizations and corporations to promote, analyze, and optimize their weblogs and content.
SyndicateIQ - SyndicateIQ's position in the content distribution chain provides clients a set of analytics.
Monitoring RSS Feeds 1
Measuring and tracking RSS while a fairly simple concept, is really anything but. Unlike websites, RSS have the addedcaveat of potential syndication, making accurate tracking a challenge to anyone but the extremely tech savvy.
It is not unrealistic for marketers to want to know how many subscribers they have, which items in their feeds attract the most interest, or how many click-throughs are generated as a result of an RSS feed.
There are a number of 3rd party providers who focus on tracking the consumption of RSS feeds. Some solutions are rudimentary but likely sufficient for a small business testing the waters with RSS. Other RSS tracking solutions are more complex and while they can come close to being accurate, with syndication there is no solution thattracks with 100% accuracy.
Techniques Used to track RSS Consumption
Small businesses can view web logs to provide information on how many times a specific file (RSS feed) is requested. The logs and information is rudimentary but will give a basic sense of a feeds success. Many 3rd party tracking optionshave additional tracking information available.
The most common method to track the number of feed accesses or individuals accessing a feed is to use a 3rd party feed host. Companies like FeedBurner essentially track feeds based on accesses. The downside to using a 3rd party like Feedburner, is that the url is a FeedBurner url and any PageRank or popularity associated with the url will benefit the feed host rather than the feed creator. Additionally, no distinction is made between unique views or syndicate feeds.
FeedBurner provides a free no frills service to host RSS feeds and they have been proactive in circumventing user concerns. Recently implementing a service that eases users concerns about migrating from FeedBurner. There is a 3 step process for users interested in migrating from FeedBurner's free service, implementing a permanent redirect, and url forwarding.
Details can be found at: http://www.burningdoorc.om/feedburner/archives/001251.html
It is not unrealistic for marketers to want to know how many subscribers they have, which items in their feeds attract the most interest, or how many click-throughs are generated as a result of an RSS feed.
There are a number of 3rd party providers who focus on tracking the consumption of RSS feeds. Some solutions are rudimentary but likely sufficient for a small business testing the waters with RSS. Other RSS tracking solutions are more complex and while they can come close to being accurate, with syndication there is no solution thattracks with 100% accuracy.
Techniques Used to track RSS Consumption
Small businesses can view web logs to provide information on how many times a specific file (RSS feed) is requested. The logs and information is rudimentary but will give a basic sense of a feeds success. Many 3rd party tracking optionshave additional tracking information available.
The most common method to track the number of feed accesses or individuals accessing a feed is to use a 3rd party feed host. Companies like FeedBurner essentially track feeds based on accesses. The downside to using a 3rd party like Feedburner, is that the url is a FeedBurner url and any PageRank or popularity associated with the url will benefit the feed host rather than the feed creator. Additionally, no distinction is made between unique views or syndicate feeds.
FeedBurner provides a free no frills service to host RSS feeds and they have been proactive in circumventing user concerns. Recently implementing a service that eases users concerns about migrating from FeedBurner. There is a 3 step process for users interested in migrating from FeedBurner's free service, implementing a permanent redirect, and url forwarding.
Details can be found at: http://www.burningdoorc.om/feedburner/archives/001251.html
Designing Your Site For The Search Engines 2
On the other hand, you might want to have just the text in HTMLand insert all the other parts of the pagewith Javascript: this will tend to make your page appear more focused, although you should be careful not to insert navigation links this way if you want the search engines to follow them. <
Use Meta Tags.
Yes, meta tags are out of fashion, and search engines pay no attention to them any more when it comes to ranking your site, but they're still important in one way: the meta description tag is still often used to decide what text search engines' users see when they find your site in their results! This can be just as important as the ranking itself – write something here that will look useful to the searcher, and you're more likely to get them to click-through. Don't forget that, while search engines are just machines and algorithms, the end result of it all does involve a human decision: to click, or not to click?
Avoid Splash Pages.
You might think it's a great idea to have a 'splash' page displaying a full-page version of your logo (or an ad) to every user who arrives at your site, but search engines really hate that. Using this trick will get you ranked far lower than you would usually be, so you should avoid it – it's annoying to visitors anyway.
Include Alt Tags.
Any time you use a graphic, include alt text for it – especially if there is text in the graphic. Remember that, as far as search engines are concerned, all your graphics might as well just be big black boxes. Test by removing all your graphics and seeing if your content remains relatively intact. If it doesn't, then you'll be turning search engines away.
Finally, Write Great Content.
The key with modern search engines (and, at the same time, the thing you have least control over) is how many people decide to link to your page from their page. How can you make more people link to you? Make your content useful. Make it something they'll want toquote on their blogs.
Use Meta Tags.
Yes, meta tags are out of fashion, and search engines pay no attention to them any more when it comes to ranking your site, but they're still important in one way: the meta description tag is still often used to decide what text search engines' users see when they find your site in their results! This can be just as important as the ranking itself – write something here that will look useful to the searcher, and you're more likely to get them to click-through. Don't forget that, while search engines are just machines and algorithms, the end result of it all does involve a human decision: to click, or not to click?
Avoid Splash Pages.
You might think it's a great idea to have a 'splash' page displaying a full-page version of your logo (or an ad) to every user who arrives at your site, but search engines really hate that. Using this trick will get you ranked far lower than you would usually be, so you should avoid it – it's annoying to visitors anyway.
Include Alt Tags.
Any time you use a graphic, include alt text for it – especially if there is text in the graphic. Remember that, as far as search engines are concerned, all your graphics might as well just be big black boxes. Test by removing all your graphics and seeing if your content remains relatively intact. If it doesn't, then you'll be turning search engines away.
Finally, Write Great Content.
The key with modern search engines (and, at the same time, the thing you have least control over) is how many people decide to link to your page from their page. How can you make more people link to you? Make your content useful. Make it something they'll want toquote on their blogs.
Designing Your Site For The Search Engines 1
When you design a website, it's easy to focus on what your visitors are going to see. What you have to realise, though, is that you're going to have another kind ofvisitor with a completely different agenda: they're not going to be looking at your pretty logo and they're not goingto be passing judgement on your background colour. What they're looking for is the content and structure of your page.
They're the search engine spiders, and they are in control of probably the largest section of your traffic. You need to please these spiders if you want your site to be successful. Here's how.
Make Your Structure Clear.
Resist the temptation to lay your page out in non-standard ways: you want it to be very clear to the search engine wherethe navigation is, where the content is, and where the headings are. As a rule, put navigation first in your page. Always use the heading tags (h1, h2, etc.) for headings and sub-headings.
Avoid using generic span and div tags and only making things clear to the user through CSS font sizes: instead, use every 'semantic' HTML tag that applies to your content. If you're quoting someone, use the blockquote tag; if you're posting program code, use the code tag. Search engines love this.
Keep Keywords Consistent.
It's not usually worth deliberately saturating your content with keywords in hope of a higher search ranking – the engines have pretty much wised up to this tactic – but do make sure that your keywords appear consistently when they occur naturally. For example, for these articles, I have stuck with 'website'throughout, as suddenly writing 'web site' instead would bring down my rankings.
HTML and Javascript.
It's worth noting that search engines read HTML, but they don't, in general, read Javascript. That means that using Javascript to insert text into your page isa bad idea if you want search engines to see the text.
They're the search engine spiders, and they are in control of probably the largest section of your traffic. You need to please these spiders if you want your site to be successful. Here's how.
Make Your Structure Clear.
Resist the temptation to lay your page out in non-standard ways: you want it to be very clear to the search engine wherethe navigation is, where the content is, and where the headings are. As a rule, put navigation first in your page. Always use the heading tags (h1, h2, etc.) for headings and sub-headings.
Avoid using generic span and div tags and only making things clear to the user through CSS font sizes: instead, use every 'semantic' HTML tag that applies to your content. If you're quoting someone, use the blockquote tag; if you're posting program code, use the code tag. Search engines love this.
Keep Keywords Consistent.
It's not usually worth deliberately saturating your content with keywords in hope of a higher search ranking – the engines have pretty much wised up to this tactic – but do make sure that your keywords appear consistently when they occur naturally. For example, for these articles, I have stuck with 'website'throughout, as suddenly writing 'web site' instead would bring down my rankings.
HTML and Javascript.
It's worth noting that search engines read HTML, but they don't, in general, read Javascript. That means that using Javascript to insert text into your page isa bad idea if you want search engines to see the text.