Monday, March 17, 2025

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to design your own website ? Part 3

is definitely more. CSS And HTML These are two things you should learn about before designing any type of website. Both are used in pretty much every good website design. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, allow you to set up a template for your website's pages. You can set up colors, fonts, page layout, and much more by using CSS. This takes a lot of time and effort out of the website design by only having to create the page design once, versus once per page. These also help keep you site uniform and simple. HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is the code behind your website. There will be other elements as well, but they are all embedded in HTML code. Understanding HTML will let you create a better site. You will also be more comfortable editing various elements of your site. Meta Tags These are vital to getting your site noticed by search engines. Learn all you can about using meta tags, especially if you have a business site. The more traffic you receive the more business you'll get. Hosting After you've designed your site, you will need to find a host. There are free and paid hosts. Both allow you to upload your site for the world to see. Free hostsoften require ads. Paid hosts give you more features and flexibility without ads. Either will allow you to use a subdomain (i.e. or a domain (i.e. Decide which is best for your needs. Designing a website is fairly easy if you plan carefully and know who your audience will be. Design your site with them in mind. Before you know it, your site will be on the web for the world to see.

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