Phrase match tells the Adwords platform to only show your ad when a search is conducted for the particular order of your keyword phrase. Using the phrase match option for "travel journals", my ad would appear when someone search for a phrase with"travel journals" in it, but not "journals travel". To use phrase match for keyword phrases, you simply place quotation marks around them.
Exact Match
Exact match is…exact match. It is the most targeted option. You should use it only if you want your ad to appear in searches for the exact keyword phrase as written. For instance, if I want my ad to appear in searches for "travel journals" and nothing else, I will use the exact match. To select the exact match option, simply place brackets ("[]") around the keyword phrase.
Negative Match
No, the negative match option doesn't involve cussing, insults or adult sites. Instead, it allows you to designate which keyword phrase search results you do not want your ad to appear in. For example, I may not want my travel journal product to appear in search results for "Amazon travel journals". I would simply list the keyword phrase with a dash (-) in front of it and my ad will not appear. The negative match option is a tremendous option for eliminating junk traffic from your Adwords campaign.
The Google Adwords platform is a tremendous advertising platform. Effectively manipulate your keywords and it can be a highly profitable one as well.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Google Adwords - Manipulating Keywords For Success part 2
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