• Misspell words If you're not using a search engine that corrects spelling for search inquiries, misspelled words might actually cause your website to appear higher in search rankings than it would otherwise. If this is the case, putting a few intentionally misspelled words within your content might also help get a 1000 clicks on yourweb page. For example, this article is called how to get 1000 clicks on your webpage. Maybe it would be typed how to get a thousend or thousnd clicks on your webbage. To find out which misspelled words have the highest search volume try using the following Google key word tool . In summary, getting a 1000 clicks on your webpage is easy, 1 million, is the real challenge. Some ways everyone already knows about, other ways aren't so well known, and as soon as they become known might not work as well because everyone is using them. A rule of thumb is if your content has something of value or utility, it is more likely to have a market regardless. Of course the guaranteed way to get a 1000 clicks on your website would be to click on it yourself 1000 times. This can occur naturally over time if you work on the website often, but is also often contrary to the intended purpose of the website.
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