Monday, March 17, 2025

Friday, July 27, 2012

Interview: Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse part 1

First known for their graphic, controversial art work and equally controversial lyrics, American Death Metal band Cannibal Corpse have had a strong 23 years in the business. Their early beginnings saw them quickly become one of the most influential bands in the genre, not only for their style, imagery and sadistic lyrics, but fortheir success, there’s no denying that Cannibal Corpse have proven that a Death metal band can be successful, at least in terms of sales, as, in 2003, they hit the one million mark for total record sales. Over the years though, Cannibal Corpse have stuck to their guns, never deviating from their own set path, slowly evolving to become a band nearly every modern day death metal band owe an oath of thanks to. But whatnext for a band who’ve seemingly done everything within their limits? We’ve been talking to one of the founders of Cannibal Corpse, Alex Webster, about the band and what’s next for the Corpse.Read on…Rocksins : Cannibal Corpse have been together now for over 20 years, what keeps you guys motivated after all these years?

Alex : We still really love to play this kind of music. Of course, we need to make a living as well and this band is ourcareer so that’s a motivator too, but our love of death metal is still the strongest driving force. We really feel that we have yet to make our best album, and we won’t be satisfied until we have made something that we can consider our masterwork. We may never get there, but we’ll keep trying.

Rocksins : At the moment, you currently have no tour plans for 2011; can we expect something to be announced soon?

Next read article part 2

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