Monday, March 17, 2025

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Web disain: Building an anime themes web page part 1

You are an anime fan. You, like hundredsof thousands of other people, want to have a webpage of your own, glorifying your favorite anime , creating an ultra popular online clique, or even just for personal use. However, you don't know alick of HMTL. How will you do it? Very easily actually! If you want to create your own anime themed webpage, it's quite easy to set up. First of all you need a layout. Layouts are the face plates of the webpage. It's the maingraphic with all the links set up in an organized manner. It's made up of solid HTML, a coding language. Sadly you don't have 6 months or more to learn this interesting language, you want your layout now. This problem is easily solved. There are many webpages out there that have free anime layouts! There are four big ones who all happen to be affiliates. (You'll learn about affiliates later) Daystar Design is the first of the four, sporting over 90 popular layouts. (Daystar Design is famous for its gigantic bishounen wallpaper archive, solayouts are not its main theme but Daystar still is one of the top layout providers on the internet.) Aethereality boasts over 120 layouts. (The key to remember about Aethereality is that its webmaster frequently updates, and often deletes old layouts, so the 120 in circulation are the cream of the crop.) Celestial Star has a total of 270 layouts to its name. (The layouts here are amazing, however Celestial Star has started slowing down in their updates recently.) And finally we have Daydream Graphics, hauling a grand total of 2600 anime layouts. (While Daydream graphics undeniably has the most layouts many of them are of extremely old anime series that you may not want to use, so be sure to checkout the other big three names too!) An important note about these layouts and the layout providers is that you must give the creators proper credit. Almost every single layout available hasa small little copyright box that you must keep on the layout if you use it.

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