Monday, March 17, 2025

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tips for surviving without a home Internet connection PART 1

More people are relying on the Internet and making it a necessity in their daily lives. As technology gets more modern and everyone seems to go wireless, there's no need to rely on a home Internet connection for most. Some are able to gain access at work to check emails and stuff whilst others have broadband connection on the go. However, for those whom are temporarily or permanently without a home Internet connection and seeking tips to survive, here are some options:- Stacking Up on Books To Read This is perhaps one of the best time to catch up on stuffs which you are wantingto read but not having the time to. Borrow some from the library if you have yet to or buy one which catches your eye and spend time reading them. Make a mental note to write a review for it when you are done, just for future reference. It is also good to pass the time by choosing this activity, and this is a good way to rest your fingers from surfing the Internet. Spending time to read may also be considered as a relaxation time with a cup of coffee or tea to accompany and some nice, slow music to relax the mind. Play Indoor Games There are lots of indoor games that can be played with family members and loveones. Invite a close friend over for a game of chess or a group of players for Monopoly and etc. Rejoice the time when Internet access wasn't made widespread at most homes, and when life was much simpler with people playing indoor games and forming a close bond with one another. If you like, have a tea party after the game session and a snack or two. Gardening Activity If you have a small garden at the back ofyour home, or in the front porch, and have since left it unattended, now is the perfect time to tend to it. It's time to getthose tools out and tear away the weeds. You might want to plant a small plant or two, and treat it as a form of exercise as well.

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