9. Minimize Duplicate Template Content :
Duplicate content applies not only to posts but to everything on a page. If you are using the same template for all your pages, chances are you have lots of duplicate template content – i.e. the same blocks of text (and links) you reuse on each page. Inspect these blocksthat repeat on every page and keep onlythe most important ones.
10. Too Many Outbound Links with Keywords :
Too many outbound links are bad but when they are with keywords as anchor text, this is even worse. The assumption is that these links are the result of a link exchange – i.e. they aren't natural. This can be a huge problem if you accept guest posts because authors typically include keywords in their links and their byline. Try to keep the anchor text of your outbound links diverse and limit keyword stuffed anchors as much as youcan.
11. Poor Internal Linking Structure :
Humans and bots like a clean navigation structure. Now with Panda this gains even more weight. Therefore, check your internal links and streamline your navigation – this will help for sure.
The Panda update caused quite a lot of stir. For the sites that were hit the changes were everything but welcome but since there is so much search spam, it was bound to happen. If you don't wantto be on the receiving end, clean your site and make it Panda-compliant. This is the only way (back) to top search results.
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