Monday, August 13, 2012

best twitter applications

A very powerful Twitter’s client,
Tweetdeck has effective filters
which allow having the posts, of
your likings, at the top. It also allows
multi-column view of tweets, and it
supports multi accounts. Just like
Buffer, Tweetdeck also allows pre-
scheduling of Tweets. Simply
schedule your tweets and leave it up
to Tweetdeck to tweet your posts on
the specified time. It is a multi-
platform client of Twitter.
Tweetdeck is a free application.
Seesmic Desktop
Another multi-platformed Twitter’s
client, Seesmic Desktop is available
in two forms- browse-based and
application- based. The browse-
based Seesmic Desktop enables you
to handle multiple social profiles
simultaneously, under a single
window. It supports Twitter,
Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. The
application-based Seesmic Desktop
provides over 90 third party services,
including Klout and Stocktwits. Both
the types of Seesmic Desktops are
available at free of cost.
Kiwi has a very pretty and
interactive interface which you will
love to look at. The filters, available,
works under certain mentioned
rules, but you are provided with
several sophisticated services such
as auto complete, user groups, and
themes. It also has an optional
service which merges timelines that
show tweets, mentions and DMs all
together. Kiwi only works on Mac OS
X. You don’t need to pay an amount
in order to have it.
The one and only short coming of
Weet is that it can only run on a Mac
OS X platform. It is yet to be
enhanced for other platforms;
however it is extremely good-
looking and convenient to use. It
supports multiple accounts and
ReadItLater and Instapaper
integration. It uses user-names and
keywords for generating filters.
Unfortunately, Weet was never
upgraded since its last version 1.0,
which was released on February,
People who are keen to get hold of
an application, that not only
facilitates Social Networking, but
also enables photo sharing and RSS
feeds then I would definitely ask
them to take a look over Socialite. It
integrates Google Reader, other RSS
feeds and also photos from Flickr.
Through Socialite you can also
connect with your Facebook and
Twitter accounts. Its exceptional
interface makes us feel that some
obedient email client has come to
our service.
It not just works on Linux, but
you can also make it work on
different platforms. It allows us to
connect to multiple Twitter
accounts, but at the same time we
can manage different social network
profiles, such as Facebook, MySpace
and LinkedIn, from it. Users can avail
the basic services, conveniently,
from Twhirl and that too, at
reasonable prices.
Weird named Spaz, is an open-
source application which supports
multiple themes. It is a multi-
platform Twitter’s client which rose
to fame because of its Laconica
microblogging platforms and for
supporting the Markdown language.
It is a free application and will
always remain so.
Metro Twitter
It had to face many debates, since its
inception, but now it is a significant
fact that Metro Twitter has the best
looking interface among all other
Twitter clients. It is absolutely built
to run on Windows platform. Metro
Twitter has been implanted with
very powerful filters that not only
filters Users and keywords, but also
percolates various applications. It
has a very handy feature of
tweeting and undoing the tweets
you just posted. It comes at a free of
cost but if you find the adds
annoying you, pay a subsidized price
to make your account add-free.
Itsy is a very simple and easy
handling Twitter client, which goes
perfectly by the words of its
developer, “Itsy won’t hog up your
screen or do other crazy things”. It is
completely dedicated to the Mac OS
X platform and will always remain
free to purchase.
The name, as well as the interface
may disappoint you at the first
glance but YoruFukurou has plenty
of customizable features. It is a
multi-account Mac OS X based
Twitter Client, which uses decent
rule-based filters. It also has
keyboard shortcuts which makes its
usage fast and easy. It is available at
free of cost.
If you are keen at gaining knowledge
from Twitter, or other
networking sites then you must take
a look at Skimmer. Along with
Twitter, it integrates Facebook,
Youtube, Flickr and other internet
social giants. It enables slideshow
view with the help of which you can
watch photographs without getting
distracted. Skimmer can be
downloaded free of cost.

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