Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Do DoFollow Linkwheels Really Work?

Above: A very basic concept of a
linkwheel, intended to strengthen a
dofollow backlinkWhat Is A "Linkwheel?"
A "linkwheel" is a process where you
build backlinks to a backlink. In other
words, say you have a backlink
pointing to your site from
Squidoo.com. Instead of bookmarking
your website on 10 other
bookmarking sites, the "linkwheel"
methodology teaches you to
bookmark that "Squidoo.com" page
instead, building up its presence and
integrity. This fostered the belief
that the practice creates a more
powerful link than all of those other
10 bookmark sites combined.
Building Linkwheels: How It's Done
An illustration of such a "dofollow
linkwheel" is seen in the example
above: here, I illustrated how you'd
build links to a Squidoo page which
has a backlink pointing to your
website. Instead of putting a backlink
on all of those sites, you're only
getting one link. This process can get
very involved: picture 10 additional
sites pointing to the "Wordpress" icon
in the chart, above...and so forth.
100% of the strategy relies on how
legitimately and tastefully you're
doing things. Don't even think of
spamming, you'll ruin your chances
of building up a good DoFollow link.
Also, note that both DoFollow and
NoFollow links have been mixed in
this chart.
Does This Seriously Work?
This method has been used over the
past several years with varying
reports of success. Some truly
believe them to be a more effective
way to build links than through
traditional bookmarking, while others
say it's a dying fad. As with
everything else, the process of
building linkwheels may very well
become "grayhat" someday, and
deemed ineffective.

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Unknown said...

°°°tHanKs You foR inFormAtiOn°°°

°°°i LiKe It°°°







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