Monday, August 20, 2012

to be successful with site indexing

How to be successful with site indexing
A successful hosting experience does not end after a web hosting company is contracted and a hosting plan chosen. Aknowledgeable webmaster understands the importance of search engine indexing in over overall website achievements. Having a website properly indexed by search engines is the only way for people browsing the Internet to be able to locate the webpage.
Each search engine indexes web pages differently and for all intents and purposes current focus will be placed on Google. In order to ensure that a particular website is visited frequently, and therefore becomes more profitable, it is important that the webmaster understand three basic elements of search engine indexing; how are web pages indexed; is every page on the website indexed; how will webmasters know if their pages are indexed?
There is often a time delay between routine website upgrades and how long it takes for a search engine to index certain web pages. The time delay is indicative upon many aspects, such as:
The overall structure of the website. Webmasters must pay clear attention to the structure and layout of their website from the moment they begin designing each page. Subpages pay a crucial role in assisting search engine bots. It is important to remember to create a sitemap containing links to every other page on the website as well as a return link to the main page. Adequate page linking will ultimately assist in the site crawling process that search engine bots follow in order to index a website.
Correctly utilize Robots.txt files. Using the robot.txt file, in the appropriate locations, on a website lets search engine bots know what web pages they should crawl and what pages they should not.
Incoming links are essential. Google is notorious for using incoming links and the quality of the sites they come from in establishing page rank. The greater the page rank value of the website the more likely it is that the site will be indexed.For this reason, it is important to link to additional pages than just the main page. Pay careful attention to the other external sites if participating in a link exchange, however, poor reputation of a linked website can have disastrous effects on every website linked to them.
Get rid of session IDs. The bots responsible for Google site indexing areunable to comprehend or make use of session IDs (or session tokens) and ultimately consider them to be multiplepages containing the same content. It is important to remember to remove session IDs as they can have a negative effect on the indexing process.
There are many other methods of increasing the probability of a website being favorably indexed, to check how many web pages have been indexed by Google a webmasters can do one of several things.
The most effective, and by far the simplest, method of monitoring site indexing is by entering site: before the websites domain name into a Google search engine box. Most often, each of the pages that have been indexed will be populated with the results.
Here are some additional tips to increase site engine indexation:
1. Add a new template with new navigation.
2. Cap and control excessive links leaving each page.
3. Add canonical tag to web pages to recapture lost link flow.
4. Get a variety of fresh deep links to inside pages.
5. Add content to stagnant site segments to increase post frequency.
6. Redirect dated content to new pages,subfolders of sub domains.
7. Build a master sitemap and ensure that it is included on every page.
8. Rewrite mediocre titles, meta data orsimilar content by establishing a main keyword for each page.

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