However, web visitors are even more impatient than store visitors and really, really want instant gratification. This means they aren’t ‘rational’ they choosethe first that seems right – they follow their intuition.
So, as well as following the classic retailprinciples above, what else should you do online?
1. Make navigation and use easy
Get rid of the question marks, navigationand site architecture must be intuitive and browsers should not have to search for the answer. People won’t use your web site if they can’t find their way around it. Things such as breadcrumbs make navigation easier.
2. Simple and consistent communication
Browsers are not there to enjoy the design they are looking for information. Let the browser see clearly what functions are available so they feel comfortable with the way they interact with the system.
Help your visitors to get from point A to point B without thinking how it is supposed to be done - the less thinking required the better is the user experience. Consistency, screen layout, relationships and navigability with the least amount of cues and visual elements are important and the same conventions and rules should apply to all elements so that they are not ambiguous and simple to understand. Convention is a friend and does not mean a boring web site but a reduced learning curve, so use the conventions.
3. Put your products centre stage
Your site is there to convince browsers to buy products from you and not go elsewhere. It is essential to have good product images in all sizes. Poor images will mean fewer sales. Provide a clear, accurate and easy-to-read description and don’t just take it from the manufacturer's website or from another site making sure you have managed to get across all the features and benefits. Identify the key products that sell best and order them on the page to promote them.
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Monday, August 06, 2012
Web Design Principles part 2
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