Friday, August 31, 2012

Seperti apa sih Blogger Professional itu?

Sebuah pertanyaan yang sering terdengar diantara para blogger,bahkan Admn Cerpen666 pun sering menerima email dengan nada pertanyaan sama.Ada yang bertanya mengena ikategori blogger professional, ada yang bertanya bagaimana jika ingin menjadi blogger professional dan lain sebagainya.

Sebenarnya pertanyaan tersebut sangatlah sulit untuk dijawab karena pada dasarnya professional dan amatirnya seorang blogger sangat sulit di identifikasi,bahkan cerpen666 mencoba untuk berdiskusi dengan para blogger yang dianggap professional tapi justru mereka sendiri tidak mau mengakui bahwa mereka sudah termasuk kategori professional.Untuk bisa memahami seperti apakah seorang blogger professional,dibawah ini adalah instrumen kecil yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengidentifikasi orang lain atau diri sendiri.

1. Waktu
Seorang blogger yang baik akan sangat menghargai waktu dan akan selalu mencoba untuk meluangkan waktu,tidak hanya untuk menulis artikel pada blognya,tetapi lebih banyak lagi hal yang bisa dikerjakan,mulai dari berinteraksi dengan para pengunjung,membalas komentar-komentar pengunjung,melakukan riset secara online, mengumpulkan informasi dan atau hanya sekedar jalan-jalan ke blog orang lain.
Hal ini
penting kita lakukan sebagai seorang
blogger, minimal satu jam sehari
harus kita sisihkan waktu kita untuk
melakukan hal-hal tersebut, karena
itu yang akan memicu karakter
seseorang untuk menjadi blogger,
akan memicu pemikiran seseorang
untuk terus berkarya dan
menuangkan ide-ide yang lebih baik
lagi. Mungkin pada saat kita
mengawali membangun suatu blog,
hal itu sangat banyak menghabiskan
waktu, dari mulai menentukan topik,
memilih layout, menambahkan
fasilitas blog, membuat navigasi yang
nyaman dan lain sebagainya.

2. Ahli dalam Suatu Topik
Seorang blogger professional harus memiliki keahlian pada topik yang dipilihnya. Hal ini untuk menciptakan kepercayaan para pembacanya,sehingga mereka yang berkunjung ke blog kita baik itu hasil undangan kita,hasil pencarian mesin pencari maupun karena kebetulan,mereka merasa penasaran untuk kembali lagi secara rutin membaca-baca artikel yang kita buat.Blogger harus
benar-benar ahli dilapangan, misal
dia adalah seorang web designer
maka dia harus benar-benar orang
lapangan yang siap setiap saat
dengan apapun yang terjadi
mengenai web design, baik itu
mengenai ketentuan baru, baik itu
mengenai perkembangan bahasa
pemrograman baru sampai dengan
topik yang sedang hangat
dibicarakan mengenai web desain.
Dan hal ini merupakan hasil
pembelajaran yang
berkesinambungan setiap saat,
dalam arti kita memperoleh keahlian
itu bertahap dari waktu ke waktu
dengan keinginan yang tinggi untuk
belajar terus mengenai topik yang
menjadi pilihan dalam blognya.

3. Menyukai Topik
Banyak orang yang mengatakan
bahwa "apa yang kita sukai itulah yang sebenarnya mampu memberikan kehidupan dan kenikmatan dalam hidup kita", hal ini
juga berlaku dalam dunia blogger.
Kesukaan pada sesuatu dan atau
minat pada sesuatu biasanya akan
membuat seseorang sangat serius
menekuni hal tersebut dan selalu
penasaran untuk terus menelusuri
hal tersebut dan itu dilakukan tanpa
paksaan atau bahkan
menyenangkan. Inilah yang
seharusnya dipilih menjadi topik
utama dalam blog. Misal; anda sangat
menyukai dan berminat dengan
dunia teknik otomotif, maka
bicarakan hal-hal yang berhubungan
dengan dunia otomotif dan jangan
terlalu memaksakan menulis
sesuatu yang tidak berhubungan
dengan minat dan kesukaan kita.
Memaksakan diri untuk membuat
topik yang tidak kita sukai atau tidak
diminati justru akan menjatuhkan
kita di mata blogger lain, hal ini akan
membuat para pembaca enggan
singgah di blog kita.

4. Kemampuan menulis
Hal ini juga harus diperhatikan,
karena banyak blogger yang
sepertinya tidak begitu
memperhatikan hal ini. Ya memang,
blog adalah catatan pribadi dari
seseorang, tapi untuk apa kita
menulis diblog kalau itu hanya untuk
dinikmati sendiri atau sebagai arsip
pribadi? Kalau tidak ada hubungan
atau maksud dengan orang lain,
tidak perlu kita menuliskannya di
blog, cukup di buku diari. Blog lebih
dari sekedar buku diari, karena
tulisan yang kita buat akan pasti
dibaca orang lain. Maka disinilah
pentingnya memahami kemampuan
menulis baik dari sisi tata bahasa,
alur cerita yang bertahap, mudah di
mengerti oleh pembaca lain dan
dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
Jangan sampai artikel yang kita buat
hanya mampu dimengerti oleh kita
saja sebagai penulisnya, bagaimana
dengan orang lain yang sengaja atau
kebetulan singgah? Kemampuan
menulis mutlak harus dipahami dan
dikuasai oleh seorang blogger,
walaupun tidak sebaik penulis atau
pengarang buku yang sebenarnya,
tetapi minimal pembaca mudah
untuk mengerti apa maksud dari
yang kita tuliskan dalam blog kita.

5. Pengetahuan Teknis Blog
Pengetahuan teknis blog adalah
kemampuan untuk memahami dan
memanejemen blog itu sendiri yang
terkait dengan teknis dasar blog,
karena blog adalah perangkat lunak
berbasis manajemen isi, maka
seorang blogger selayaknya
menguasai dasar dari blog yang
Seperti kemampuan
database, domain transfer, script,
plugin, dan lain sebagainya.
Hal ini
agar tidak terlalu banyak mengeluarkan dana perawatan dan perbaikan (maintenance and repair), selain itu karena blog bersifat pribadi maka selayaknya pemilik blog tersebutlah yang harus menguasai luar dalam blog yang dikelolanya.

6. Pengetahuan Blogging
Pengetahuan blogging dengan
pengetahuan teknis blogging ada
saling keterkaitan yang kuat. Seperti
menguasai trackback, ping, SEO,
social bookmarking, twitter, RSS feed,
facebook, podcasts, youtube,autoresponder
dan hal lain yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan rangking hasil pencarian serta fasilitas-fasilitas lain untuk membangun jaringan yang kuat dan berkesinambungan.
Tentunya hal ini harus ditunjang kemampuan teknis dalam hal pemasangan script,modifikasi,penambahan kemampuan dan hal-hal dasar blog.

7. Kemampuan Mendesain Blog
Ada beberapa blogger menilai hal ini
tidaklah begitu penting, tetapi akan
lebih baik jika seorang blogger juga
memiliki kemampuan mendesain
blog, baik itu dalam hal layout yang
unik dan kreatif, kecepatan akses
halaman, maupun sistem navigasi
yang mudah bagi para
pengunjungnya, karena hal ini akan
memberikan kesan pertama yang
menarik bagi pengunjung. Tidak
perlu terlalu jauh dalam hal
penguasaan desain blog, cukup hal-
hal dasar teknik desain, seperti
menguasai dasar bahasa HTML, CSS
dan optimasi blog. Tetapi harus
diingat pula bahwa "content is the
king" atau isi artikel adalah raja dari
segala hal yang berhubungan
dengan blog. Apalah artinya suatu
rumah didesain bagus tapi ternyata
tidak memiliki sesuatu yang menarik
atau spesial didalamnya. Apa yang
ada didalam menunjukan karakter
blogger professional atau amatir.
8. Berjiwa Wirausaha
Berjiwa wirausaha bisa juga diartikan
kemampuan memahami pasar dan
kebutuhan masyarakat internet, hal
ini untuk menarik jumlah
pengunjung yang banyak dan
berkesinambungan. Jika kita peka
terhadap kebutuhan pasar
masyarakat internet tentunya kita
juga mudah untuk menemukan topik
yang menarik bagi masyarakat
internet, sehingga akan menciptakan
daya tarik tersendiri bagi
pengunjung. Mereka para
pengunjung akan dengan mudah
menemukan trend yang sedang
hangat maupun produk yang
dibutuhkan dan atau justru kita
mampu menciptakan tren baru
untuk di buat hal yang menarik
untuk dibahas. Secara sederhana
seorang blogger harus memiliki pola
fikir bisnis (business mindset).

9. Kreatif Inovatif
Kreatif adalah kemampuan untuk
menciptakan dan atau mengubah
sesuatu yang kurang atau tidak
menarik menjadi sesuatu hal yang
sangat menarik. Sedangkan inovatif
adalah kemampuan untuk
menemukan sesuatu yang baru atau
menarik. Kreatif dan inovatif adalah
hal yang sangat berharga di
masyarakat internet, nilai sebuah
blog biasanya dilihat dari kedua
aspek tersebut. Kreatif dan inovatif
akan membuat seorang blogger
mampu menemukan dan membuat
tulisan berkualitas tinggi, akan
mampu menemukan cara-cara baru
untuk mempromosikan blog atau
produk, dan akan mampu
menemukan cara baru monetisasi

10. Memiliki Jaringan
Konsep yang sederhana tapi
merupakan suatu kekuatan untuk
meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan
pada blog yang dikelolanya. Seorang
blogger harus memiliki hubungan
yang baik dengan blogger lain atau
bahkan dengan blogger yang lebih
professional. Ini merupakan teknik
terbaik untuk meningkatkan kualitas
blog baik dari sisi artikel, karakter
atau pun jumlah kunjungan.
Semakin kuat dan banyak jaringan
yang terbentuk dapat dipastikan
secara perlahan tapi pasti kita sudah
masuk dalam kategori blogger
Seperti halnya konsep
Ukhuwah Islamiyah dalam Islam
bahwa "memutuskan hubungan
silaturahmi sama dengan
memutuskan rejeki",
makin banyak
relasi semakin banyak rejeki. Insya
Allah... Untuk membangun jaringan
kita bisa saja manfaatkan fasilitas-
fasilitas social networking, seperti;
twitter, facebook, milis,
dan lain sebagainya.

11. Kemampuan Berkomunikasi
Kemampuan berkomunikasi adalah
salah satu sarana untuk
memperkuat jalinan persahabatan
antar blogger. Hal ini sangat
berpengaruh kepada
professionalisme seorang blogger
untuk meningkatkan kualitas
karakternya, baik itu karakter artikel
maupun karakter pribadinya.
Semakin lancar berkomunikasi
semakin mudah kita memperoleh
ide-ide berkualitas dan menarik.
Selain mampu menguasai bahasa ibu
kita juga harus menguasai bahasa
internasional, hal ini untuk
membangun jaringan yang bukan
hanya bersifat lokal kedaerahan
tetapi berlaku global. Bahasa Inggris
merupakan salah satu bahasa
internasional dan alangkah lebih
baiknya kita menulis juga dengan
bahasa tersebut, sehingga mampu
menyentuh seluruh karakter
pembaca secara global.

12. Rajin Menulis
Hal yang sepertinya tidak begitu
diperhatikan oleh sebagian besar
blogger adalah kontinyuitas menulis
artikel. Hal ini terjadi karena kadang
kita tidak menemukan ide yang perlu
untuk ditulis. Untuk memancing ide-
ide kreatif dan inovatif kita, mungkin
artikel yang pernah dibahas dapat
membangkitkan ide-ide yang terdiam
menjadi suatu artikel yang
berkualitas. Pertahankan frekuensi
menulis pada blog kita, minimal satu
hari satu artikel, hal ini agar para
pembaca kita tidak bosan dan merasa
perlu untuk mengunjungi blog kita
setiap hari.

Dari semua hal diatas, apakah kita
memiliki ciri-ciri tersebut? Mari kita
sama-sama menginstrospeksi diri,
seandainya belum maka mulai hari
ini mari kita belajar menjadi
professional. Tidak ada kata
terlambat dan tidak ada kata tidak
mampu, semua bisa dan harus bisa...
Ayo semangat menulis....!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

3 SEO Tips Google Update

SEO is something which over the past 2 years has evolved leaving only the best online marketers involved in it. Over the years search engine algorithms have changed several times, meaning that the best practices of a search engine optimisation specialist has changed enormously.

Once upon a time meta data was key,then on-page SEO,now backlinks and social signals are the key. Several updates known as Panda and Penguin have caused a shake up in the SEO industry with Google rankings so please find below 4 tips which will forever hold up in your SEO strategy with all future algorithm updates.

1) Quality Content Is King
Quality content which is unique in its
nature will forever help your SEO
strategy, quality content has a flow
on effect into other areas of SEO, if
your content is worth sharing or
linking to it will increase in it’s value
and further help your website gain
the front page real estate that it
deserves. Content that is valuable to
the user experience of something
searching online will be difficult to
overtaken by low quality resources.
“Quality content allows a website to
gain more authority online and help
your SEO” says John Vlasakakis Co-
Director of SEO Company Maps

2) Engage your social community
with your content
It is vital nowadays to share your quality content online and also provide content which is worth sharing socially by others. It is vital to
have a social media widget on all
your content to allow people to share
your content on platforms such as Facebook,Twitter,Tumblr etc.
Once you have created quality content share it to your network and watch it be shared by others and gain exposure you wouldn’t be able to achieve otherwise.

3) Look at earning your links rather than building them
Your content should be for the user and not to build backlinks. If your content is quality it will earn backlinks on it’s on merit. Building backlinks is something search engines know are easy to manipulate, but gaining something from a trusted source is the equivalent of finding a pot of gold in SEO. “Quality over quantity is what matters with SEO, I have ranked websites on the first page with just one backlink, because this came from an authoritative source and was earned naturally.” says John Vlasakakis.

Following these simple 3 steps and you will never have to worry about another search engine algorithm update, SEO is now becoming more pure and natural than ever so I suggest that everyone keeps their finger on the pulse.Contact the Maps Gurus at Google Maps guru

For the original version on PRWeb

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How To Make Money As AN Affiliate

Even though it may seem tempting to gofor programs with the highest commissions, those programs won’t pay you anything if your visitors don’t buy them. Here are some tips to help you select an affiliate program that’s right for you:

1. Do not accept any less than 25% with commission. You can find many programs with great payment structuresand high percentages of pay in just about any field.

2. Look for statistic pages that list the number of click throughs, sales, and earnings so you’ll be able to see how you are doing.

3. Always look for programs that offer a wide variety of tools to put on your web site, including banners, text links, and of course graphics.

4. Find out hwo often you’ll be paid and be sure that the payment schedule meets with your own expectations. Some programs will pay monthly, while others will pay quarterly.

5. Be sure that top level support is included. If they can’t answer your questions in a quick and timely manner, you don’t want to work with them.

Once you learn what you are doing with affiliate programs, you can make a lot ofmoney. If you are just starting out, you should always use common sense and not rush into anything. As you become more familiar with how things work, you’ll be well on your way to making a lot of money – and enjoying making it.

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How To Write An Effective Article

All articles must have four things to make it successful and helpful in makingyour site a profit earning and traffic overflowing site. Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your articles

• Keyword Phrases and Keywords.
An article must always be centered on the keywords and keyword phrases. When website visitors go to a site, there are those who are just merely browsing but actually looking for a specific something. When this happens, a searcher usually goes to a search engineand types in the keywords they are looking for (e.g. Toyota Land Cruiser, Meningitis, Tax Lawyer and Etcetera). It could be anything they want.
The Important thing is that you have an article that has the keywords that are related to your site. For example, if you maintain an auto parts site, you must be able t have articles about cars and their parts. There are many tools in the internet that provides service in helping a webmaster out in determining what keywords and keyword phrases are mostly sought out. You can use this tool to determine what keywords to use and write about.

• Density of The Keyword
Now that you have your keywords and keyword phrases, you must use them fully. An article must have good keyword density for a search engine to “feel” its presence. Articles should at least have ten to fifteen percent of keyword density in their content for search engines to rank a site high in theirsearch results. Getting a high rank is what articles do best for a site.
Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used on an article. The number varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article must have a keyword density that is not too high or too low. With a very high density, the essence of the article is lost and may turn off a reader as well as the search engines. It comes off as overeager. A low number may be ignored by the search engines.

• Good Article Content
Like what is stated above, you cannot just riddle an article with keywords. They must also be regarded as good reading materials. Articles must be able to entertain people as well as provide good information and help for their needs. Articles should be written well with correct spelling and good grammar.If you want people to trust you, make your work good and well thought out.
People respond well to figures, facts and statistics. Try to get great information and as many facts as you can. A good and well written article will boost your reputation as an expert in your chosen field or topic. As more people believe in you. They will be able to trust you and your products.

• Linking Articles
And another important thing to remember. If you are going to submit articles to ezines and/or contribute your articles to newsletters and other sites, DON’T ever forget to include a link to your site. A little resource box with a brief description of your site and you should always be placed right after yourarticles that you have submitted. If people like your articles, they will most likely click on the link directing them to your site.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tips Successful Search Engine Optimization Work

Most website owners who are just starting up are more than happy to simply market using paid-for ads and articles, and they simply cross their fingers that these methods will be effective. Although these tips for successful Search Engine Optimization might work, only well-executed Search Engine Optimization can be effective in boosting those websites to the coveted front page of the search results. The advice showcased in this article can help an owner successfully increase themarketability of their website.
TIP! Search Engine Optimization requires patience and consistency. All of us want to have instant gratification.
Games and surveys are good ways to find your target. People enjoy to take surveys which will tell them about theirsense of style or what type of person they are. Question them about their shopping habits and interests. Not only will you be getting beneficial information from your consumers, but the consumer will enjoy doing the surveys.
TIP! Search Engine Optimization requires patience and consistency. All of us want to have instant gratification.
The longer a person stays on your website, the higher your Page Rank becomes. Keeping customers in your website is a good way to get repeat visitors, so be sure to have good content on your site.
Unique Content
High quality, unique content is one of the best ways to boost your search engine rankings. To attract more attention make sure the content on your website is different from the others. You will attract and keep an audience if you offer well-written, unique content that is useful to them.
TIP! There are an almost limitless amount of techniques out there for Search Engine Optimization but trying to learn them all is a mistake. There just is not enough time to fully master all the different techniques you can implement, so learn one and exploit it extensively.
When selecting your keywords it is important not to think like an insider. Instead imagine that you are a customer. Try and find out what terms people are using when they search.
It’s crucial that your site is often updated with unique and engaging content. Nobody wants to read old information, and visitors will be less likely to revisit your site if they feel thecontent is outdated and unoriginal.
To draw people to your website and improve search engine optimization , make sure you use good description tags. This tag should not be more than 30 words. Never exceed 100 kilobytes on this page.
TIP! A great way to get links for your website is to leave comments on blogs with relevant topics. Many blog owners will let you drop your link if you leave acomment of substance.
Submit article s to online magazines that serve the same market as your site. Include back links to your website in your contributions. Ezines will be saved forever and they can be accessedforever. Someone may find you years later!
You might actually be able to get some traffic to your site while your site is ranked on the back pages, but your traffic would exponentially increase as soon as you started to start the proper Search Engine Optimization tactics . By using the tips you’ve just read in this article, you can start to raise the profileof your website.

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SEO Strategies

Optimizing your site for the search engines can be smart, but only if you are smart about it. In this article, we’ll cover techniques that will allow you to develop search engine optimization strategies .
Submit articles to online magazines that serve the same market as your site. Include backlinks to your website in your contributions. Most information that is published on the web is forever, and e-zines are no exception. A reader can come across your information sometimes years after you publish it, and it will still be pertinent.
TIP! Pepper all of your site content with relevant keywords to improve your site’s search engine ranking. It is important to pack your introductory content with keywords, but do not overdo it.
You can optimize your website by using a lot of different techniques. You will get the best results if the system is set to achieve the maximum efficiency withsearches. Greater operation will cause a user to be more willing to use it.
If you put keywords in your HTML tag it will help your SEO efforts. Keywords that appear in title tags are weighted more heavily by search engines than keywords in any other position. Calculate your use of keywords to achieve greater search engine standing and increase the number of visitors on your site.
TIP! Think about using relevant keywords. Search for ways to implement keywords in your website and titles.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engines aggressively penalize sites that use black hat search engine optimization tactics. Some of the more notable search engines, such as Yahoo and Google, have occasionally gone so far as to ban particular companies fromtheir search results entirely. Watch out for this, and use legitimate ways to implement search engine optimization.
Try purchasing a previously used domain name to start your site at a higher search engine ranking. Some search engines provide higher rankings to older domain names. Review lists of recently deleted domains looking for ones that could possibly suit your new site’s purpose.
Keep in mind that spiders cannot identify obscure URL names, so be mindful of this when you create new pages. Web crawlers are not designed to crawl these kinds of pages, so make your site’s directory structure and pagenames are keyword-friendly.
Think about all the choices you have. These include press releases, discussion forums, blogs and article marketing . Your SEO success will depend on the strength of your outbound links.
When you design your website, make sure that each page is somewhat different than the others. Give specific attention to titles and subtitles on each page. Titles get the most attention from the search engines and become the most important component for site ranking. Make sure you add your keywords to the titles on your website.
To receive a better search engine ranking , be sure to place relative keywords in the meta tag part of your website. Include common misspellings of your keywords as well to increase your ranking. The search engines decipher your meta tags and integrate the information into their algorithms used to generate search results. Try to include a variety of keywords, along with some that are misspelled. For example, a website about aquariums would have keywords such as “fish tanks,” “aquarium,” “tank,” etc.

TIP! When you study how to truly optimize your site for SEO purposes, you will see results quickly as you startto implement the tips and tricks. You should strive to have your search engine find results that are the most relevant when you are creating a search engine.
In conclusion, there both positive and negatives ways to using search engine optimization . The tips you just read offer you many proper ways to increaseyour target audience and how to avoid being unfairly blocked by a search.

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6 Businesses Solutions For You

Yesterday, I ran into an old friend at my local coffee shop. He’s a business owner and a passionate entrepreneur, but he’s up against some major problems. We had a quick chat about his situation, exchanged “war stories,” and came up with some possible solutions for what he’s going through.Afterwards I spent a little time reflecting on the massive challenges we entrepreneurs face and just how impressive the whole process of building a business and making it work really is.

realized a
lot of business owners face these
challenges at some point in their
Then I realized that, in my
experience, it almost always comes
down to a very shortlist of reasons
businesses fail. That’s refreshing
news because it means
understanding those key problems
AND anticipating them is an
excellent strategy for avoiding
meltdown. Most people who fail,after
all, seem to do so by virtue of their
own actions (or lack of action).:

1.You Don’t Respect Selling
Believe it or not, a lot of
entrepreneurs have some very
negative ideas about SELLING. What’s
really odd is a lot of these same
people usually have very positive
ideas about “making money” or
“increasing profits.” But the second
you start suggesting new ways to
SELL to their customers, these folks
start to cringe and backdown.
Sales is the single most important
factor in the success of any business.
If you have a bad relationship with
sales, you’ll always struggle as a
business owner. Sales is the lifeblood
of every business, and if you don’t
have sales you simply don’t have a
What I hear most often is, “I don’t
want to be pushy” or “I don’t want to
scare away my customers.” Excuses,
excuses, excuses. The reality is, if
you have quality products and
services to sell, your customers
WANT you to pursue them.
Obviously, there are good and bad
ways of selling, but the idea is to do a
GOOD job. Customers love it when
you do that.
You need to get crazy
passionate about
selling. You need to
head down to your
local bookstore (or
open up your favorite
e-reader) and buy 5
great books on
selling. You need to
eliminate all of your limiting beliefs
about selling and get excited about it!

2. You Don’t Understand Your

The first step in every business is
finding that ONE product and getting
that FIRST sale. From there, the
project turns into making that
process work again-and-again to
create a profitable business. And
once you do that, you get to build a
complete range of products and
services for your customer base.
But if you never take the time to
understand your customers’
problems, wants, and desires, you’re
never going to clear these hurdles.
This is the weird “chicken and egg”
part of building a business. You sort
of start with some ideas about your
customers mixed in with your own
ideas about what you think will work
and what you see working in similar
successful businesses.
Once you get your first customers,
you have to learn how to turn down
the volume on your own ideas and
start turning up the volume on your
customers: their feedback, their
ideas, their problems, etc. This is the
relationship building process. You’ve
got to dive in and really understand
them so you can help THEM (by
providing more stuff they want) and
they can help YOU (by giving you
more profits to keep your business alive).

Stop looking at your business
problems in a vacuum. Start talking
to your customers. Take an entire
day (or an entire week) and just talk
to as many of them as possible. And
actually, try to do as little talking
yourself as possible. Let them do
90% of the talking and take lots of
notes. They’ll tell you what they
want. And if you do this right, they’ll
be so happy to talk to you.

3. You’re Not Actually Marketing
Most failing business owners I talk to
aren’t really marketing their
businesses. Instead, they’re either
Branding is something huge
corporations like to do. And they do it
for good reason. Pepsi is a brand.
Taco Bell is a brand. Nike is a brand.
Those companies are completely
different from your company,
though. They’re buying very
expensive advertising spots on
national television and working very
hard to capture your attention for 30
precious seconds. And all they want
is for you to remember them the next
time you’re out shopping or feeling
hungry or whatever.
That’s branding. But that’s not how
entrepreneurial businesses like
yours should be marketing.
The other classic mistake I like to call
FLAILING. This is where you think
you’re marketing but what you’re
actually doing is “marketing out of
desperation” with massive discounts
and special promotions. Now, don’t
get me wrong here — there’s
nothing wrong with discounts and
promotions. They can and often do
work extremely well. But they only
work if they’re part of your larger,
long-term marketing plan. They
really don’t work when they’re only
designed to help you pay the bills
this month. That’s flailing, and it’s
incredibly dangerous. Believe me, I
know from experience.
You need to be more strategic with
your marketing. You need to learn
everything you can about Direct
Response Marketing strategies. You
need to learn how to turn website
tire-kickers into lasting customers.
And you need to start making every
marketing message part of a much
larger strategic plan.

4. You Don’t Have A Sales Funnel
Sales funnels
are a great
place to begin
for building a
solid marketing
plan. And a
sales funnel
can help you
create more
sales opportunities in your business
— a great way to keep revenues and
profits healthy.
Personally, I’m a huge fan of creating
Content Marketing Sales Funnel for
best results.
If you have customers coming in the
door and then heading out the door
without any clear plan for what you
want them to buy or how you want
them to experience your business,
then you don’t have a sales funnel. I
know the term “Sales Funnel”
doesn’t sound super friendly, but if it
bothers you I’d recommend spending
more time on #1 above.
Most businesses that don’t have
sales funnels can only HOPE that
customers show up and then HOPE
that customers buy lots of stuff and
then HOPE that customers come back
again and again.
The idea behind a sales funnel is to
turn that HOPE into a strategic PLAN.

Start mapping out your customers
experiences. How do you want them
to find you? How do you want them
to go from tire-kicker to lead? How do
you want to stay in touch with them?
What do you want them to buy first,
second, third, and so on? How do you
want to build a long-term
relationship with them? How much
money would you like them to spend
in your business every year?

5. Your Systems Are Broken
Marketing. Finances. Sales. Customer
Service. Staffing. Hiring. Training.
Social Media. Blogging. Email
Marketing… and the list goes on and
Frankly, entrepreneurs juggle a lot of
crap when they start their
businesses. And if you’re successful
in building something that gets off
the ground, you’d better build
powerful and reliable systems to
keep everything up and running.
Without systems, you can only spin
so many plates at one time. Without
systems, you’re always putting out
the same fires. Without systems,
everything is always just barely
hanging on.
You’ve got to build reliable systems
in your business — regardless of the
type of business your in or its size.
Think McDonalds if you want to see
long-term success in your business.
Think, “How can I make sure XYZ task
gets done every single day?” In most
cases, this means that YOU are NOT
the one doing it.

6. You’re Always In The Way
The final reason so many
entrepreneurs seem to struggle is
because they fail to make time for
themselves. Your business eats you
alive and you become completely
engrossed in it. Now, there’s certainly
nothing wrong with being passionate
about your business — you damn
well better be! But there is a problem
if you’re always working 12-hour
days and never taking time to enjoy
what you worked so hard to build.
Plus, a business really isn’t a
business if it cannot run without you.
That’s the ultimate test. And often,
the problem is more with your own
obsessive-compulsive and
controlling nature. (You
perfectionist, you!) That’s why it’s so
important to make it PART OF YOUR
PLAN to get out of your business
from time-to-time.

Plan a vacation — an escape to
become the ghost in the machine.
Sounds fun, right? Well, it should be
fun. But you also need to look at this
as a duty. A chance to prove that
your business CAN work without you
smothering it all the time.
Here’s what I like to do: First, make a
list of the most important projects in
your business. I’d suggest reviewing
the list above and then making an
action plan based on what stands out
to you. Then, set a deadline to finish
these key 3 to 5 projects or so. Say, 1
or 2 months. Finally, reward yourself
with a plane ticket to some faraway
place. (This is especially powerful if
you can get 5 or more timezones
The idea here is to motivate yourself
with a cool trip and then to spend
that trip EXERCISING your “ghost in
the machine” muscles. This is
important. Your business depends on
Plus, I have a feeling you’ll suddenly
be really excited to get back to work
on your business. That, after all, is
what being an entrepreneur is all

Friday, August 24, 2012

How to make a useful list of directories for yourself?

When you call for a commendable list of link directories social bookmarking sites - doesn't really matter if you are trying to find certain general directories or other sites specialising in a certain theme or language - not the simple number of the included web sites matters but the proportion of the web directories which are yet working and taking on link suggestions in a timely manner.

Aging of directory lists
actually mean that this list could
also meet your needs. As time goes
by a lot of websites will be shut
down, stopped, change into a paid
directory, etc. - so the older a
directory collection is, the more
If somebody formerly happened to
assemble a list of link directories or
social bookmarking websites which
were once offering SEO-friendly links
without the need of nofollow
attributes or redirects, it does not
worthless data it will incorporate. A
few years old collection thus can be
entirely useless usually.

Status of the lsted web directories
.actually accept your submissions at
all, and if so the link they provide will
be valuable and useable for SEO
purposes. Eventhough finding fresh
link directories should not be that
time consuming, discovering whether
Not to mention the fact that finding
the web address of new web
directories is basically only the first
step of making an usable database of
web directories. You should get going
and assure whether or not they
they are actually operating, is not
the easiest job.

Not a single web directory database
will do for you!

.directories" websites nor web
directory submitter software program
is possessed by link marketeers who
are working with the included
directories on a daily basis, the
accuracy of information about the
included web directories will be
significantly far from optimum. On
one hand, there would be a great
number of included link directories
which have certainly not been
utilized by the developer of that list.
If it is to be a foreign language or an
other special link directory, this is
even more common case. Then again
one time a site is included, its current
condition is rarely determined
manually and updated accordingly
This is why - at least based on our
experience - you may never find a
really usable, cutting edge link
directory database accessible publicly
on the World Wide Web. As neither
the vast majority of "directory of
on a regular basis .

Solely your link directory list that
you make!

.Solely your link directory list that
you make!

Regretful news is that if you got no
resources to waste by submitting
your links to a great deal of link
directories which will definitely not
accept your submissions or if you
prepare for doing regular link
marketing, almost the one and only
way of creating a really usable
directory database is to make your
own personal database.

How you can make sure you Search engines Human

reviewers. While using prime 3 standing sites getting 80% of the user’s clicks, Google wants to make sure that they get quality information and therefore these prime standing sites will get manually reviewed by Google Staff.What this means is that once your site hits those prime positions, a Google staff member might start your blog in addition to manually went through your articles to discover for anyone who is featuring true in addition to precious information.

That is a strategy to halt affiliate marketers by game playing the device for getting excessive ranks still acquiring nonsensical One of several true exams for you to preserving your current web site 1 ranks for virtually any certain search phrase can be having the capacity to remember to Google’s man information on the internet websites that doesn’t help the tip end user.Here's a few points to be certain any nearby small business web page aces that man examine analyze:

1.Appear to be an actual business this could seem to be clear for your requirements, yet you can find a lot of people seeking to produce a penny on the web you need to seem since reputable as you can for the man reviewer.They should realize that you will be an actual small business thus ensure you contain information for instance:

*The home address –you might add a Google guide

*The postal deal with
*The cellular phone acquaintances

*Your online business accreditations for you to skilled figures.

2. Include beautiful in addition to sorted layout- that doesn’t indicate you might want and internet site . pattern value a lot of money, and you likewise don’t wish your site to seem low cost in addition to spammy. You should definitely always add a privacy web site,with regards to people web site in addition to speak to web site.Arranging your articles in to groups may be beneficial as well for instance providers, items, menus, online store and so on.

3. Publish true client evaluations in addition to recommendations and also have several articles with regards to all of them.You can pictures, movies in addition to excerpts out of your clients. four Don't litter box your blog along with an excessive amount of professional information for instance adverts. A fantastic problem for you to inquire by your self is-“If the many adverts in addition to internet commerce information ended up being taken off, the amount information can be quit for the guest? ”

4. Stay away from
the provocation for you to overstuff your current keywords and phrases around your blog information within your games, web site Urls in addition to content articles.This may show up artificial in addition to spammy for the man reviewer.

5.Inspire true on the web engagement on your own web page by enabling website commenting or perhaps putting in a community forum since that demonstrates your blog contributes correct benefit for you to people by providing all of them a spot for you to talk to you or perhaps others.It could be since simple since having a section where people can inquire you questions with regards to your current niche. For example, if you run a plumbing service,you can have a website community forum where people can inquire you questions with regards to virtually any plumbing concerns they could be having troubles along with.

Images in Search Engine Optimization

discover that you still are not getting
the organic search engine visibility
that you desire. Perplexed, you
wonder why. Perhaps the most
untapped search engine optimization
gizmo is the optimization of your
images. But how do you go about
using your images to boost your
search engine rankings? Here's how.
Likely, of your largest issues is the
failure to properly optimize your
images for search engines. To
understand how performing search
engine optimization on your images is
completed, let us first take a glance
at how search engines ascertain the
contents of an picture. It is important
to keep in mind that search engines
You know all about keywords,
metadata, link popularity, H1 tags,
strong text & the like. Armed with
this knowledge, you go about
optimizing your web-site, only to
don't see images the way humans do.
Images are nothing over bits of code
which tell a computer what color &
brightness at which to display any
given pixel. While preliminary
research has been completed in the
field of picture recognition by search
engines, the algorithms are
rudimentary at best, doing nothing
over an analysis of colors &
brightness, without any actual
progress being made at identifying
the depiction contained within the
picture. Telling the search engines
about your images Therefore, search
engines depend on main algorithms
for the identification of the contents
of an picture. The first is dependent
on a contextual analysis, the second
is dependent on what they tell the
search engines. The first important
technique is named descriptive file
naming. A search engine gives much
weight to the name of the picture
file. So, for example, in the event you
are RCA & you have a logo picture of
a dog with its ear in a gramophone,
you might name the picture
gramophone.jpg or dog.jpg. This is
telling the search engines that your
picture contains content related to
canines or gramophones. But wait
again. The other major way you tell a
search engine about your images is
by the utilization of picture ALT
attributes. An ALT atrribute is simple
ALTernate text which is used to
report the picture. In lieu of putting
words like "Dog listening to
gramophone" in your ALT attribute,
you ought to look at ALT attributes
as another opportunity to include
your keyphrases on your page. So,
they would require the ALT attribute
in the case of RCA to say something
like "Consumer Electronics". This is
also telling the search engines that
your web page is about canines or
gramophones. In the event you are
RCA, would not you be ranked for a
term such as "consumer
electronics"? Probably. So, utilizing
descriptive file naming, you would
require to give your picture files
names which reflect the general
topic of your web-site. So, in lieu of
naming the picture logo.jpg,
banner.gif, dog.jpg, gramophone.jpg,
or the like, you would require to
name your picture something like
consumer-electronics-logo.jpg or
consumer_electronics_dog.jpg. Now
you are using keyphrase rich file
names, & giving your site a rankings
boost. The failure to properly
optimize images in this manner is a
major flaw in plenty of attempts at
search engine optimization. Following
these techniques will, without a
doubt, help your online business to
accomplish the organic search engine
visibility you desire.

How To Know Wireless Motion Detector System Is Right For You?

Driveway Patrol alert or Wireless motion detector systems are common security products with a variety of applications. They generally come with a weather resistant indoor outdoor motion detector transmitter, and a indoor receiver. Applications vary from alerting store clerks working in the back of someone entering their store . Or alerts you of intruders at home , cars entering your driveway, someone coming up the sidewalk, the mailman, kids coming and going , or older kids at night. Also can be used for monitoring your basement, attic, trailer, motorcycle, storage shed, or RV parked in the driveway.
Typically the motion detector transmitter operates on batteries while the receiver runs on batteries or can be plugged in . The distance that the transmitter can detect motion is generally up to 12 to 20 feet out from the transmitter. Most transmitters detect motion by passive infrared (PIR) technology which is basically rapid heat changes such as a vehicle passing by in front of it. Once motion is detected, the transmitter then {transmits | sends a wireless notification signal to the receiver which notifies you with a chime or alarm sound through the receiver. The distance the motion detector can send a signal to the receiver will vary depending on the model and the surroundings.
Here is what you should consider before you purchase a Driveway motion alert orWireless motion alert . Most manufacturers publish a transmission range (transmitter to receiver) of up to 400 feet to up to half a mile depending on the product . This is based on Line of Sight or Open Field testing which is literally a straight shot from transmitterto receiver with nothing in in the middle .In reality, the total range is much less in a typical installation through walls and windows. I recommend taking one third of the manufacturers stated range as a general rule for the actual range in an installation. For example, a Driveway Patrol stating 400 feet may be around 100 to 150 feet transmission range through walls.The Chamberlain wirelessmotion alert stating one half mile may be closer to 900 feet transmission range through walls and windows . Some systems are expandable for adding on transmitters, or wireless doorbell component, and some vary on the type of alert the receiver emits (chime, alarm sound, voice alert). The Chamberlain motion alert system has sensitivity settings while other brands may require taping off part of the motion sensor area to reduce sensitivity,if necessary. The transmitter does not sound, only the indoor receiver will alertyou. Simply mount the transmitter in thespot that you want to monitor and place the wireless receiver unit within one third the manufacturers stated range. Then when movement is detected the receiverunit will play a pleasant chime with an adjustable volume to suit your particularsurroundings. We hope this information is helpful in choosing the right Driveway Patrol alert or Wireless motion alert system for you.

This articleProvided by Nordale Services at Publish on cerpen666

Thursday, August 23, 2012

“Penguin Update” Can Affect Your Website’s Rankings

In an effort to provide searchers the most helpful search results, Google has continued to refine their search algorithm. Their most recent update, affectionately named “Penguin,” was launched shortly after Memorial Day. Penguin updates are expected to continue through the end of 2012, and are geared toward dramatically improving quality, relevancy, and cleanliness of the search result by penalizing overly spammy pages or those with spam-like links. Sites that violate Google’s quality guidelines havealso likely been hit by this newest update to Google’s constantly changing algorithm.
E ven though many sites have been hit hard by these updates, you don’t have to be among them. Your site can recoverfrom Penguin and prepare for future algorithmic updates by understanding the update and making recommended changes.
Here are some of the most important things to know about how Penguin might affect your website. Stay ahead of the game by knowing what’s coming and reviewing your site to make sure it isn’t guilty of committing these errors and others like them.

1. Keyword Stuffing – Keyword stuffing is the excessive use of keywords in the content of your website. If a site is keyword stuffed, the keywords are usually repeated randomly and excessively throughout the website.
*. REMEDY: Appropriately include your keyword phrases in the titles of your web pages and use them sparingly in the content of your website. Vary the keywords and phrases so they sound natural. It’s smart
to shoot in the range of 2-5% keyword density for most blocks of text.

2. Ad-Heavy Page Layout – Penalized page layouts usually have to do with the overload and placement of ads on a page —particularly those “above the fold”– or those first seen when a viewerlands on the page. Google knows that a site which favors relevant content over advertisements gives users a better experience, so they reward and penalizeaccordingly.
*. REMEDY: If you have ads on your website, the best practice is to balance the ads with relevant content throughout your website… Wait, what’s that you say about content?
3. Plagiarized or Outdated Content – As with all Google updates, Penguin will penalize websites that do not have original (not plagiarized, informational, and relevant to the keywords searched)and or fresh (recently uploaded) content. It makes sense, since users want to find the most pertinent and most recent information on the internet about their topic.
*. REMEDY: If your content isn’t quite up to par, get some! Do some research, some analysis, write, and you’ll have some unique content in no time. Get rid of any duplicate content you have on your website (you can check for unique content here ), and keep it up. Be original, relevant and fresh, and you’ll score in the search engines.
Always keep in mind that all Google updates (including Penguin) are strategically written to fish out the best, most relevant, and user-friendly sites from the search results. When youmake on-site changes, keep your readers, customers, and fans in mind. Is whatever the user is looking for easily found? Are there too many distracting ads cluttering the space? Is the content informative, relevant, and useful? Ask yourself these kinds of questions as youmake adjustments to your site.
Also, remember to keep an eye on your rankings to measure your site’s progress and how it is affected by the algorithmic changes. Google updates such as Penguin and Panda will no doubtbe made in the future as the search engine strives to provide its users with aquick, efficient, and useful search experience.
Stay ahead of the competition by using information from the updates to your advantage– beat the algorithm to the punch and see your rankings soar!
If you want to find out how these updates may have affected your website and where your website ranks today, check out our Free Website Analysis . This analysis will provide you with your current Google rankings, how you compare to you online competition and your site metrics that identify prominent problems with your website.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

SEO Concerns Rise, Post-Penguin

Google’s recent Penguin update had the best of intentions – to penalize unsavorybacklinks. As a content marketer, I saw this as great news, since Penguin gives site owners a bigger incentive to steer clear of manipulative linkbuilding tacticsand instead concentrate on developing useful content.
There is a dark side, however.

Because Penguin took bad links
from a neutral ranking factor to
a negative ranking factor,
scammers now have a bigger
incentive to sabotage
competitors by messing up their
link profiles. And while this type
of treachery, referred to as
negative SEO, has been around
forever, few deny that today,
the potential for negative SEO is
greater than it’s been for some
There are numerous ways
scammers can pollute a
competitor’s link profile, one of
the easiest and most common
being the use of automated
systems to generate thousands
of over-optimized (i.e., spammy)
links to the competitor from low
quality sites. In theory, such a
barrage of links could now, post-
Penguin, cause a site’s rankings
to drop like a rock.
Whether the impact of negative
SEO is real or theoretical is a
question being hotly debated.
After Penguin’s release, many
sites suffered a drop in rankings,
and pointed to negative SEO as
the culprit. But while there is no
doubt that negative SEO
activities are rampant, it isless
clear how they are actually
affecting rankings. This
comment from Danny Sullivan
on a recent Aaron Wall negative
SEO post is rather interesting:
… What I do know is that when I
look at sites that complain of
drops, I see bad links — and
then they have explained ah
yes, they got those links
themselves in some way. That’s
what I’ve seen.
As for not accepting there’s no
negative SEO, I’ve repeatedly
said that it is possible. In the
reply above this, I even
acknowledged that perhaps it
more viable now because it’s
cheaper now. That’s exactly the
opposite or refusing to accept
that links could be cheaply
andtrivially pointed at any site.
What remains unclear is how
serious a threat it is to the vast
majority of sites out there. What
I’m fairly sure is that most
people who suffered recently
fromthe link networks being
taken out, or from Penguin,
where [sic] not victims of
negative SEO.
So while the cause-and-effect
relationship between negative
SEO practices and lower
rankings is difficult to establish,
site owners are well advised in
today’s environment to monitor
their link profiles carefully . A
sudden spike in backlinks could
mean your site has been
targeted.What else can site owners do to
protect against negative SEO?
*. On the theory that a good
offense is the best defense,
make sure your link profile is as
strong as possible , by removing
links from questionable sites,
varying anchor text, and build
new backlinks the right way by
placinguseful content on a wide
range of high quality sites.
*. On the theory of divide-and-
conquer, diversify your Internet
marketing . If a firm’s entire
strategy is SEO, competitors will
find out and make it an even
riper target for negative SEO.
Organic traffic is a great source
of leads, but far from the only
one. Socialmedia, paid search
and email marketing are
promising avenues for
*. On the theory that knowledge
is power, stay informed . I don’t
think I’mexaggerating in saying
that SEO best practices are
changing on a monthly basis.
One advantage scammers have
is they know how to work
Google’s system. Therefore you
need to know the system just as
well, especially if you feel

Link Building Strategies

One of the best ways to attract inbound links to your site is to create topnotch and interesting content. It’s never a good idea to obtain as many links to your site while failing to create quality content. Search engines might construe this as a black hat SEO tactic on your part and penalize your site. On the other hand, contents alone cannot take you further up the pecking order when it comes to the search engine rankings.

instead of mindlessly waitingfor
inbound links to come your way,
why not utilize these four great
link-building strategies to beat
your competition.
1. Internal Linking
Internal linking works when
readers are directed to the other
pages of your website by clicking
on the highlighted word or
phrases on the current page.
Through internal linking you are
able to establish that your web
page is relevant to a particular
keyword. This will lead tobetter
search engine rankings for your
web pages. Sometimes, as
readers go along reading one of
your posts, they might come
across a term unbeknownst to
them. If you have written
articles regarding those topics
on different pages of your site,
you can use hyperlinks to
internally link them to those
articles. They will like the fact
that your site is well structured
and user-friendly because of
the ease of access to specific
content. Internal linking
provides traffic to your web
pages while winning the hearts
of your readers and converting
them from mere visitors into
loyal subscribers.
2. Video Marketing
This is a good link building
strategy because of the lower
competition amongst video
results in the search engine.
The most popular video
submission platform is YouTube.
However, the link building
potential of videos in YouTube is
rather questionable. This is
because these linksare no-
follow and the search engines
cannot easily reach the links.
Nonetheless, if you could post a
video that goes viral, you will
reap huge trafficand inbound

3. Local Linking
Laying out a strong foothold
locally is not easy. But, the
outcome is rewarding in terms of
SEO benefits. You should take
into account local resources in
order to gain links for your site.
One of your best options is to
get a link from your local
Chamber of Commerce. You can
also go to the Better Business
Bureau in your state and find a
way to get a link. Links obtain
from these two local agencies
have authority and they are
high quality links. Another
option is to ask for links from
the websites of your local
libraries. You should also submit
to local listings such as Yahoo
local or Google Local Business
Center. Lastly, you can try to
collaborate with local bloggers
to rack up additional linksto
your sites. Finally, you want to
zero in on those bloggers with
an established reputation in
your community.4. Link Baiting
Link baiting is the strategy of
obtaining links from others
without revealing any hint of
your intention to do so. Each of
ushas a strong consciousness of
our own self-importance. You
can capitalize on this by using
ego bait linking. For instance,
you can create a list of top
bloggers for a certain niche.
Bloggers included in the list will
more than likely tell their blog
readers about their acquired
feat by posting your link in a
blog post. These links will create
traffic to your site from the
large audiences of those
bloggers. You just have to be
creative with this strategy and
you’re sure to attract inbound
Link building is never an easy
task and requires a lot of hard
work. You can employ the four
strategies above to earn more
links to your web site

SEO Techniques pinguin for blogger

Every new blogger would like to see his or her blog on the first page of Google search. Although, it is very difficult to rank on the first page after Penguin affect, but if you plan SEO strategies then you can overcome the affect.
If you are new to blogging then you can follow 10 easy steps to implement penguin-free SEO. After implementing these steps, you can easily recover froma Penguin affect.
Understanding SEO Intelligence
Google dominates among all other search engines. Core fundamentals of SEO remain unchanged, but it is complicated and changes on a regular basis.
Successful SEO is nothing but a good research. So it comes down to the content and keywords. Moreover, links to your blog from outside authority is very important. Bloggers must understand the basic SEO intelligence.
Effective Keywords
The next SEO technique is to implement effective keywords in your every blog post. Jot down all possible keywords andwrite them in Excel spreadsheet. ChooseKeywords related to the topic of your blog.
Next, you must properly position all yourkeywords. It is very important to have an individual page for every keyword phrase. While optimizing your blog for keywords keep readers in mind.
Always use effective keywords and never load your blog with full of keywords. Google may ban you. So, mixing relevant keywords is right thing to do.
On-Page Intelligence
After choosing right keywords, you have to know on-page intelligence. On-Page intelligence means what is in your control. Understanding Title tag is the key thing.
According to my experience, title tag must be less than 70 characters and make sure that your keywords are scattered properly.
Surround your primary keywords with other related keywords. Hyperlink few keywords with authority links. I also recommend adding an ALT and title tag to images.
Buying Your Domain Name
One of the most important decisions is buying a domain name for your blog. Youhave to choose a name, which is available. For a domain name, I suggest two words with no numbers and hyphens.
Moreover, it must be .com extension with no longer than 25 characters. I always try my best to include primary keywords in a domain name.
Architecting Your Site
Designing your site can make or break your SEO intelligence. Make your home page a focal point. It should be dynamic so people will be more interested. Home page must be interactive.
Try to find out what people are doing online. You can include a video page in your website to make it more interesting. Always leave your visitors wanting for more.
You have to come up as an authority.
Site Mapping Techniques
Site mapping technique is quite an easy task. You must have a sitemap that is easily available for search engines. It is actually a blueprint of your entire blog. Most common location of sitemap is rootdomain.
Sitemap can help your blog to index faster in search engines. You can use Xml-sitemap website to create a sitemap. Make sure to include Meta tags.
Off-page intelligence
Off-page intelligence is the backbone of SEO because half of the secret is gettingincoming links. More inbound links means more authority, which means more money. Do not try to get too many backlinks in short interval of time because Google may ban you.
Therefore, get incoming links naturally over a period of time. One easy way to get is through writing guest posts for different blogs.
Use anchor text. Usage of a keyword phrase must be less than 10%.
Press Release Goldmine
Never underestimate the power of pressrelease. Major news stations search for press releases. If you want to write a press release then go to prweb. All major search engines look highly for press releases.
Press release rank very high for what they are, because they are highest quality of incoming links.
Competitive Intelligence
Competitive intelligence is re-engineering or remodeling your competitors. This is your instant shortcut to success online.
You can go to Google and type ALLINANCHOR: followed by the website of your competitor.
After clicking “Search”, you will see name of all other websites that he is running.
You can learn many things from their websites.
Beating Google Algorithm
Last one is beating Google search algorithm. You have to keep up with the changing technology because Google keep changing it search algorithm.
SEO is never going to be permanent, therefore keep experimenting otherwiseyour blog will become obsolete.
Finally, in conclusion I would say that you could implement my 10 Penguin-free SEO steps to rank high in Google search engine.
1. Understanding SEO Intelligence
2. Effective Keywords
3. On Page Intelligence
4. Buying Your Domain Name
5. Architecting Your Site
6. Site Mapping Techniques
7. Off Page Intelligence
8. Press Release Goldmine
9. Competitive Intelligence
10. Beating Google Algorithm

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Boost your SEO with Google Adwords

advertisers use Google
AdWords as their major PPC
network. However, in addition to
using AdWords for getting paid
traffic to your site, it can also be
used for SEO. Here are some ideas
how you can use AdWords for
1.For Keyword Research
AdWords for SEO is to research
keywords. Keywords are the basis
of any SEO campaign and even if
you are an expert in your niche,
you should always research
keywords simply because users
frequently search for quite
unexpected keywords and
keyphrases you as an expert will
never think of. Needless to say,
what matters most for high
rankings is which keywords your
target audience is searching for,
not which keywords you as an
expert think are most popular in a
particular niche.
In order to find what users are
searching for, you need a
keyword research tool. It is true
that there are many special (free
and paid) keyword research tools
but Google AdWords Keyword
Tool is light years ahead of them
It is simple to use AdWords to
research keywords. You can
either enter the URL of your site
or put in some seed keywords, the
tool will then automatically
generate a whole bunch of
suggested keywords. Look at the
results and shortlist all the
keywords that seem relevent and
have a decent global search
You may want to rank well for
ALL the generated keywords, but
its best to focus all your efforts
on a selected few. The idea now is
to find keywords that are
relatively easy to optimize and
yet have a decent search volume.
These would be the keywords
with the least compitetion in
Google. Go to and
enter each of your short listed
keywords (one at a time). It is
best if you search for the exact
phrase, so surround your
keyword with double quotes. Note
how many web results there are
for each of the phrases. Now that
you have collected the 'Number
of web results' for each keyword,
calculate competition ratio by
divding it's 'Global search volume'
by the 'Number of web results'.
The keywords with the higher
ratios are the easier ones to
You can now start a SEO
campaign for your keywords
however you'll see next, it might
be much wiser to start an
The most valuable use of
AdWords campaign instead.
2.To Ensure that the Keywords You
Have Picked Convert Well
keywords, you need to verify if
these keywords really work for
you – i.e. if they convert properly.
No matter how precise you've
been when picking your
keywords, if you don't test them
in practice, you can never know
for sure if they work well or don't.
You can pick lucrative keywords
with high global search volume
and low levels of competition and
still end nowhere.
For instance, for this website - we could try
optimizing for the keyword
"Search Engine Optimization". It
could take a year or so with a LOT
of effort to reach the first page
on Google for "Search Engine
Optimization” and still one can
never be sure this will happen.
However, let's pretend that this
happens – We manage to top
Google for "Search Engine
Optimization” after a year of hard
SEO work. To our greatest
disappointment, even the first
place for "Search Engine
Optimization” on Google did'nt
bring the expected results
because the bounce rate for this
particular keyword turned out to
be very high. Since we do not
provide SEO Services a lot of
people reaching us via "Search
Engine Optimization" may NOT be
getting what they're looking for.
Instead, lesser popular keywords,
such as "SEO Tips” or "SEO
Guide” might have lower bounce
rates and may actually perform
better than "Search Engine
Optimization” did for us.
The result is not surprising but
the price paid is. If we had
launched an AdWords campaign,
it would have saved a lot of
trouble. We could have spent $
20-50 on AdWords for "Search
Engine Optimization” and it would
have taken us a week or less to
figure that the bounce rate for
this keyword is very high and it
makes no sense to do organic SEO
for it. These $20-50 on AdWords
would have spared a year of
After you have picked your
wasted SEO efforts.
For Getting a Better CTR with Your
Existing Rankings
AdWords is a valuable tool for
getting a better CTR (Click Thru
Rate) with your existing rankings.
You might rank well for a given
keyword, get a lot of traffic, and
still be unable to monetize this
traffic because your CTR is low.
The reasons for this might be
various but inadequate title and
description could be a very
possible reason.
AdWords can also help you get
better CTR with your existing
rankings. For instance, if you run
ad AdWords campaign and you
are satisfied with the conversion/
performance, you might want to
keep changing your ad title and
description until you feel you
have reached the maximum CTR
for your keywords.
Sure, it might take you a couple
of tries till you find the winning
combination of a title and a
description and you might even
lower your CTR in the process but
once you find this magical
combination of a title and
description, just copy them as the
title and description for your page
in order to maximize your organic
In addition to keyword research,
search CTR as well
3.For Geographic Targeting
for SEO is geotargeting. If you bid
on traffic from many geographic
locations, you can use Google
Analytics to compare how
different locations convert. It is
quite natural to have significant
discrepancies in the conversions
for the same keyword among the
When you go to Google Analytics
and see which countries are
converting best, you can invest
more effort in them. For instance,
you can create local pages for
these countries or target the geo-
specific keywords with
exceptionally good conversion
AdWords is a really valuable tool
not only for advertisers. It started
as a tool for advertisers but its
use is not restricted to them
alone. For many publishers and
SEO experts AdWords is the most
valuable tool because even a
moderate AdWords campaign can
give you valuable insights and
save you a lot of time and money
to optimize for words, which don't
One more good use of AdWords
work for you.

Can blogs be used for business?

Blogs are very much a part of social
media. They are being used today as
one of the most effective tools
within the social media category for
advertising and marketing activities
of products and brands. The
incorporation of blogs into
advertising has helped marketers in
obtaining valuable consumer
insights and feedback.

Basic definition
The earlier definition of a blog in
layman terms was that it was like a
diary or journal except that it was
digital and online. It was a medium
for individuals to share their
opinions and feelings with the rest
of the world. It was a mode of self-
expression and what you stand for.
People used to express their beliefs,
experiences, concerns and much
more through their blogs and it also
allowed for interactions. Other
people could read your blog if you
allowed for it and they could even
comment on posts and share their
own beliefs and opinions through
this medium.Advertising integration
Lately, however, blogs have
penetrated the advertising world
and their definition of self-
expression has changed. Now blogs
are a tool for marketers to advertise
their products and brands on. Also
the posts that go onto the blogs that
are written by individuals and even
independent bloggers themselves is
a great source of information and
insights that can be made good use
The popularity and growth that was
seen by marketers in the blogging
world had surprised them. Blogs
were also a form of user-generated
content where bloggers would write
about their experiences and opinions
with a certain brand or product. It
was obvious that positive content
was helping the brands in terms of
sales and customer retention etc.
However, it was the negative
content that was bothering them.
Hence, it was not long before the
advertising industry realized that it
was an open opportunity for them to
capitalize on. Even the negative
content that got posted on blogs
could be used to identify issues and
problems that existed with the
brand. These opinions could be
valuable in rectifying errors and
mistakes and can be avoided in the
Professional blogging
Brands even started hiring
professional bloggers to write about
their products and services. This was
paid content and an advertising tool
that could help in building and
transforming opinions through the
content. Brands started building
portfolios of bloggers who would
bombard social media with news and
information regarding the brand. It
was a sales and marketing tactic
that was being employed and was
quite effective at influencing
opinions and helpful in building high
levels of brand recall.
Using blogs as a tool for advertising
was initially criticized. It was blamed
for being a tool of deceptive
marketing techniques and was
looked at as an unethical way of
influencing opinions and beliefs of
customers. It was said by critics that
the actual purpose of self-
expression had been lost. Blogs
becoming commercial, in their
opinion was wrong and critics
believed that these tools should be
kept out of advertising strategies.
The advantages
They failed to see, however, the
positive impact that this transition
was having. It was a chance for
brands and consumers to express
their own opinions and communicate
their opinions to each other.
Consumers could use their right of
self-expression any time they
wanted. Critics had failed to realize
the opportunities that the
interaction between the consumers
and brands had created.
Giving brands the ability to
acknowledge and take note of what
their consumers had to say about
them was something that had never
been done before. Consumers were
always allowed to express
themselves and there was no way in
which they were being held back
from exercising their rights. Neither
were marketers trying to breech
these rights.
In essence, what this integration had
done was bring both parties to the
same platform where they could
both make themselves heard and
completely changed the way
advertising and marketing was done
in the past, where there was one
way communication.
It made the jobs of advertisers and
marketers even more challenging,
as now they had to cater to each
individual separately. In the past a
brand’s communication would target
a mass audience, whereas through
blogs and social media they had to
communicate with consumers on
individual and personal basis. It had
taken self-expression to a whole
new level, which was realized by
both consumers and brands.

trick Up your pagerank

Hack how to quickly raise the Google Pagerank Potent!! -After browsing nemu finally methode, quick way of raising the Google Pagerank. That is by the way a Backlink. Pagerank is indeed very dominant with the number of backlinks that we have. The more backlinks to get, then it may be to increase Pagerank our site faster. So we'll start with kalo easy steps below:
1. Copy and Paste this article/downloadthis article: Copy and share this article
2. Here are some links:
Up your pagerank work

Hack pagerank

Trick and tips3. before you Paste the article in your blog, you need to enter input or with a Link to your website/blog in order No. 1. So the above Link No 1 moved to no. 2, no. 2 moved to no. 3, no. 3 moved to no. 4, and so on.

4. Once you have entered your blog/site link on no. 1, then 10, removed to linkno. So the links are there only amounted to 10. If you are able to invite 5 people only to copy the article, then the number of backlinks that will be available are:

When you position 1, the number of backlinks = 1
Position 2, the number of backlinks=5
Position 3, the number of backlinks=25
Position 4, the number of backlinks=125
Position 5, the number of backlinks=625
Position 6, the number of backlinks=3.125
7 position, the number of backlinks=15.625
8 position, the number of backlinks=78,125
Position 9, the number of backlinks=390.625
10 position, the number of backlinks=1.953.135

So in conclusion you can recruit more participants then will be more and morebacklinks will be obtained. Important!! : So this methode is working fine, you should include a list of links according to this article. Because if not, improve pagerank trick methode will not work properly and optimally. Please try and Prove himself dahsyatan this methode, and please check your pagerank after several days later.
Hopefully the tips this time benefit to you

Monday, August 20, 2012

Optimising For Good Results In Natural Search

What is natural search and how do
you optimize a website for good
results? Natural search refers to a
web visitor using a search engine to
conduct a search. Sometimes, this is
also known as organic search. The
terms natural search and organic
search are often used
interchangeably, for they refer to the
same thing.
Before learning how to obtain good
results for natural search, let's first
try to understand why such traffic is
All Internet websites, assuming they
are there for commercial reasons,
want to make more sales. In order to
make more sales, they must drive
targeted traffic to their websites.
Targeted traffic means that the
visitors are pre-qualified in some
way. Natural search traffic is
considered to be targeted traffic
because something can be said about
the intention of the visitor.
For instance, if someone is searching
for "Canon Digital Camera", we know
that this person may be thinking
about purchasing a digital camera
(preferably a Canon camera). So if
the website has this product for sale,
the visitor can be converted into a
paying customer. That is why many
businesses that used to operate
offline are trying to rank well in the
search engines. Those who manage
to obtain high rankings get to enjoy a
free and steady stream of highly
targeted traffic. Of course, more
traffic eventually leads to more
So how do you optimize a website for
better natural search results? There
are two components you need to
work on.
First component: On-site
On-site optimization means that your
website must be search engine
friendly. Different search engines
have their own set of webmaster
rules. However, the fundamentals
are similar. For example, all search
bots like your site to have a clear
structure. Navigation should be easy,
and links should be easily
identifiable. Whenever possible, try
to include a site map. A site map
helps the search bots to find all the
web pages within the website. In
addition, always add target keyword
phrases in the page titles. If possible,
use search engine friendly URLs (e.g.
static html files with keyword rich
file names). Avoid posting duplicate
content (web pages that appear
similar) on the website.
Second component: Off-site
Search engines determine the
importance of a website based on
incoming links. But not all incoming
links bring the same value. Avoid
posting links on link farms. Your back
links should be coming from relevant
websites that are similar to the
theme of your own website. For
instance, if you are promoting a
credit card website, your incoming
links should ideally be coming from
other credit card related sites. The
problem is, how do you get external
sites to link back to you? There are
several methods you can adopt.
Article marketing - post relevant
articles to article directories. You may
then include two or three links in the
author resource box.
Guest blog posting - post a guest
blog entry in a relevant blog. Of
course, your blog post should be
unique and contain valuable
Press releases - issue press releases
about your website. For paid releases,
you are usually allowed to add your
own links.
Blog commenting - join in the
discussion and leave comments on
other people's blogs. Remember, your
intention is not to spam but to
participate. That will increase your
approval rates.
Social bookmarking - have something
valuable to share? Bookmark your
own blog entries and share them
with others. These bookmarks count
as incoming links as well.
Article Source: http://





